I’m used to seeing her make period jokes. My first read of it was that her uterus was punishing her for eternity, or until menopause.
I’m a big fan of Dokuwiki. I use it to document and plan out my various hobbies and interests. Also listing future large projects and purchases. Installation is very simple.
I’ve also got Wordpress going as a home digital cookbook.
CSS isn’t for nerds. Nerds are smart.
Seriously it took them like 20 years to reimplement table based layouts in the form of grid. In between we were stuck playing the devils Tetris stacking boxes on top of each other and trying to float all that garbage to produce janky, buggy layouts that would crumble apart when resized.
Nice. I know most here are used to how Reddit structures their content, or are on the federation bandwagon. Personally I’m just happy to see the internet get a little more decentralized.
On a related note I should set up and play around with some old school forum software. It’s been a few years since I’ve looked at it.