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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • Imagine being able to pay off a 10 billion dollar debt with just 25 years in prison. Proportionally, any normal person that defaults on a regular amount of debt should logically be able to rectify that with just a week in the county jail. 10 billion buckaroos for 25 years is dirt cheap.

    Meanwhile, Vietnam is seeking the death penalty for multi-billion dollar fraud because of the untold damage done, and a lack of remorse by pleading not guilty and trying to get away with it. The US just can’t seem to beat 'nam when it matters.

  • It doesn’t matter what you think about AI. It’s very clear that this technology is here to stay and will only improve. From this point on AI will become deeply integrated into human culture and technology, after all we’ve been fetishizing it for almost 100 years now. Your only logical option as a developer is to learn how to use it and abuse it. Choosing not to do so is career suicide, possibly even societal suicide depending on how quickly adoption happens.

    You’re probably right, in the near future people that can’t use it will be fired. To that point they should be fired. Why the fuck would I allow my accounts to do their financal work on paper when Excel exists?

    Welcome to the future.

  • Warlock is required to cast their spells at the highest level. Since this is a warlock patron it probably shouldn’t be allowed to pick and choose which level of spell it can cast. Consider also converting the warlock spell slots it gives into bonus HP to fit the flavor, but probably at a less than 1:1 ratio for what it costs to cast that same spell since they have innate HP and healing.

    As you’ve suspected, this is gamebreakingly powerful and absurdly difficult to balance. Every build in the game would benefit from having this ability and would be made stronger by multiclassing into it. Every other warlock would be pointless because choosing another one would lock you out of this patron. Any multiclass caster is an infinite spell slot source by itself.

    You could try to balance it by making it once per day, but why? That’s too fair and not the original intent of design, just accept the imbalance it creates and make it fun to use.

  • L0rdMathias@sh.itjust.workstoRisa@startrek.websiteWhen is season 4 anyway?
    8 months ago

    They also don’t really force their will onto the Moclans. Sure, everyone else fundamentally disagrees with them, but they still respect Moclan sovereignty. The Orville’s federation is content to let them live as they choose. Instead of demanding compliance they agree to disagree. The crew focuses on guidance and assistance so they can help their Moclan allies figure it all out on their own terms.

  • True, I strongly agree that most players should avoid rolled stats like the plague. High power level campaigns are not for the feint of heart. They are extremely difficult to play, let alone DM. Designing an encounter to go head to head with the party’s builds is not an easy task, despite the DM having virtually unlimited power regarding the game rules. Both the players and the DM must have an extremely high understanding of the rules being abused. But at the end of the day; when everything becomes overpowered, nothing is.

  • 1d10 or 1d12 for initiative rolls, decided at start of campaign. If you somehow have a +10 init, you should never be in the 50th percentile. Initiative overall is too volatile and random on the d20 range. Tie breaker is Dex score value, followed by Wis>Int>Cha then if it’s still a tie roll for it. Ambushes mechanics exist and modify base initiative also; a situational +/-1 because the sun is in their eyes or whatever becomes important and rewards good planning and execution.

    Delayed and prepared actions define a logical trigger instead of requiring a reaction. Anything - movement, bonus action, even reactions - can be delayed. Can spend your reaction to either trigger the action early, or cancel it and prevent it from activating. The logic is strict flowchart logic and you are severely limited in how complex it can be/how many triggers can happen based on the action/situation/etc.

    Rolled stats are EITHER 3d6*8 choose 6; OR 4d6 drop lowest rolled in a predefined order. You can already break the game 1000 ways with point buy, get good just let people roll. Random stats tend to breed better player creativity anyways. They’re so bad they need to be played creatively; or they’re so strong the character build gets to be fancy and unique.