• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • Kroxx@lemm.eetoScience Memes@mander.xyzHero
    1 month ago

    It’s a lot different in academia vs industry for hard sciences. I currently work in industry, we have no options in the things we research but we are funded to the Moon. There is of course some amount of bowing we have to do in order to keep them quiet but that’s about it.

    In academia you have to secure your own funding constantly or your project just ends essentially. Academic institutions also look at metrics like impact factor and papers published/time that also effects the availability of funding. I know that people have had to stop pursuing doctorates due to funding issues. Politics in academia is notoriously horrendous.

  • Doesn’t include a launcher you just link your account, that said I personally refuse purely on moral grounds. People in many countries cannot play because PSN straight up doesn’t support their country.

    Also their reasons are lies, I am tired of being lied to and told it’s not a big deal. Sure signing up for a Psn is easy and free, but I am tired of being forced to do things as a consumer that I’m told is for my benefit when in reality it is solely for the publisher.

    The official reason they want it is because supposedly it helps them ban problematic players, which I don’t understand the need for in this game in the first place. Secondly they can already do this through steam. Look up discord screenshots from the Arrowhead community manager by the Discord name spitz. You’ll see company responses, I’m too lazy to add them today.

    Here is the real reason sony wants this. Tech companies use account metrics for shareholder presentation to show growth. “Sony added 330 million new PSN accounts in 2024 alone, and had 6 billion more transactions on the PlayStation network in 2024” this is a fictional example of how they can spin this crap. Dipshit investors aren’t going to understand the underlying reason why this spike happened and Sony will elaborate as little as possible. This could lead to massive growth in sony stock, at the very least it looks good. This is the only real reason sony is so interested, it has nothing to do with security or moderation and everything to do with internal growth metrics of corpo pigs. That’s my take at least.

  • Of course there are a zillion non religious ways, look at Buddhism!

    No they are the same, there are a zillion non religious ways to abuse people the same way religion does.

    I come to lemmy for engagement on topics I find interesting, if no one gave their two cents what would be the point of the site?

    I also never implied you have to use religion, I think it can work great for some people but It’s not for everyone. Like you said people can have a great moral compass without religion! I just try to not be evangelically for one side or another. I think the logic behind atheism should always be around and people should be exposed to that, I also think the faith behind religion should always be around and people exposed to it. By exposed I specifically mean publicly available and not suppressed by society or legislation. I do not mean forced to participate in.

  • Religion isn’t evil, people are. All holy books have rules and stories about not being a piece of shit. Don’t get me wrong there are plenty of gods wraith and incest/rape or other messed up stuff, but there are also verbatim passages about treating people well, giving, helping, not murdering or stealing. The issue is evil people use these books to justify horrendous acts while simultaneously ignoring everything the books try to teach about being a shit person. I think religion on a PERSONAL basis can help people better themselves, organized religion is the issue. Organized religion always ends up in the same places, greedy, corrupt, abusive, suppressive, and it’s because the leader are abusing their powers for their own benefit. The religion itself isn’t to blame, at least in my eyes.

    You know what would happen if no religions existed? People will just find other reasons to abuse and manipulate people, it’s the unfortunate symptom of people who refuse to listen to their conscience. Everyone knows right before they act what they are about to do is wrong, the ones who ignore this feeling make everyone suffer. As long as those people exist, all the negativity aspects of religion will re-manifest in other ways regardless of the existence of religion.

    I also personally think it’s an important mental exercise to ponder about life, death, afterlife, existence, and the possibility of the divine. You don’t have to believe it of course, just think about it maybe even debate with yourself about it. I also don’t think everyone would benefit from it, but I think a lot of people could. Just my two cents.

  • Kroxx@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlWell then..
    5 months ago

    How have we not started moving towards it when every company is trying their damnedest to get subscriptions? Look at new vehicles, they are paywalling features on an already purchased car, I bet you would have “bet against this” too before it happened. The problem is companies are slowly changing things over time hoping consumers don’t notice until it’s too late.

  • Kroxx@lemm.eetoUnpopular Opinion@lemmy.worldFuck the South
    9 months ago

    “Really?! I could not tell”

    Translation: you just admitted to being in the out group I created in this post so any and all of your opinions are invalid. I will now judge you solely on a characteristic you had no choice in (we don’t chose where were grow up), you must be an ignorant racist hillbilly.

    Wow what an insightful individual

    “you just have to insert your opinion, and insult me while doing so, because you can’t take any sort of criticism”

    You are so blind, you insulted their entire geographical area and you are acting like they are the ones insulting first?

    “You cannot accept any truth with what I say”

    They literally said the south has its problems

    They obviously have a problem with your sweeping generalizations not your individual points and the hypocrisy therein, but I doubt you have the capability of self reflection.

  • Kroxx@lemm.eetoUnpopular Opinion@lemmy.worldFuck the South
    9 months ago

    Yeah but the south sucks is such an unpopular opinion! I mean this person has been to EVERY state, every one of them. They even lived in 14% of the states I mean if those are qualifications to judge a geographical area larger than most countries, what is? Yeah OP is a hypocrite and sounds very ignorant, but their “unpopular” opinion is obviously agreed upon by the majority so this doesn’t get brought up by others.

  • As communities grow from obscurity to populated change is inevitable. I used to use reddit and the #1 thing I hated was the condescending, holier than thou attitude that was rampant. I have seen it occasionally on here but for the most part Lemmy is a breath of fresh air, so I personally don’t think reddit culture has replaced it. I can definitely see a strong cultural influence from reddit but I personally think Lemmy culture is significantly different, in a good way.