Krem [he/him]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2020

  • “transitioning ta what?”

    “hopefully not a jets fan”

    lol this show is awesome. bland yet miserable protagonist. pronouns. laugh track that goes “whoo!” when a cool character enters the sitcom house. fucking amazing. like even dumber than a 2002 parody of something in an already kinda shitty south park episode

    edit: the big setup and payoff when the old guy gets


    beer cum shot all over his face and the dog starts eating it, and then elon musk walks in and is declared saviour of mankind as shitty country music plays

    is fantastic. this can not possibly be made by actual conservatives, it’s too good

  • You can take the metro and walk anywhere and not (…) worry about crime.

    One of my favourite things in china. Every neighbourhood is safe. walk anywhere at any time of day and the worst thing that would happen to you is someone looking at you funny because they’re not used to foreigners.


    We don’t see the omnipresent litter we do here.

    doubt A lot of chinese people do litter like crazy though. one of my least favourite things. a lot of good people, but enough of a percentage of shitty mentality that thinks dropping stuff on the ground and walking away is fine.


    Seven, the qualitatively different nature of police relations with the people than here.

    I’m sure american cops are a class of their own, but i’m not a huge fan of chinese cops. gong’an are usually alright, and might help you with stuff, but everyone absolutely hates chengguan, who are often corrupt and high on their own (limited) supply.

  • What really gets me about Seppo houses is the doorknobs, though.

    yeah what’s the deal with the little globe door handles that give you no leverage and you have to awkwardly twist your wrist to open the door? and what’s the deal with the useles little clicky lock thing in the middle? what smart brain designed this bullshit and what lobbyist paid off their whole nation to get them installed everywhere?

  • Krem [he/him]@hexbear.nettonews@hexbear.netMy pp is plastic.
    9 days ago

    what kind of lazy sci fi writing is this where the dominant species increased like 10 tech levels in a century by using some sticky undergroud goop, and they used it both as a combustible fuel, as a solvent, as biochemistry feedstock and to create polymers?

    and pretty much all their vehicles are fueled by different versions of this goo? and all of their doodads and doohickeys are made from it? this one underground goo? sure, why not make it a drug that lets you see the future too.

    and the economies of entire neo-feudal states are based entirely on sitting on top of this goo? come on.

    and the goo is so cursed that it causes Gaia’s Vengence on the whole planet? storms and droughts and corruption of the flesh? is this science fantasy now?

    i expected better from the writers honestly.

  • when you first ask your prospective girlfriend how much she costs a month, she might say “wtf are you talking about weirdo” “why are you talking like i’m a sex worker” “i don’t cost anything haha”, but believing this female lie often the beginner sexpat’s expat flaneur’s first mistake! the real cost will soon become apparent. here are some hidden costs: copyright free music starts playing

    • number one: dinner dates

      • your girlfriend might not be happy to cook for for you immediately after you start dating. in oriental culture, a male often displays his value by purchasing food and drinks at overpriced restaurants. understanding this key mechanic can make or break you as a beginner NeoRomancer. taking her to mcdonalds, or insisting on splitting the bill based on your comparative Sexual Market Values, can result in her displaying IABs (intercourse-avoidant behaviours).
    • number two: shopping

      • as the old s̸a̸y̵i̶n̴g̷ g̴͍̍ŏ̴ͅẹ̶̓s̸̯̐, ẅ̶̧̨̻́͛́o̷͔̽̕͠m̵̲̞͛̓͋ė̸̛̠ń̶͕̤ b̴̯̹͇̾̓̄ę̵̤͊͑̓͝ s̷̡̩̻̺̗͆̏͑̈́̋̉͑h̶̡̠̞̄̏̀́ȍ̸̡͊̓p̴̧̘͔̦̼̜̖̒̽̀́̏̚͠p̸̛̮̗̏͐̉͑̄̄̓̃ḯ̸͇̺̩̮̞̓n̷͙̝̬̦̗͊g̵̭͚̣̭̟̪̠̍̐̇̍̊̽͛͜ͅ