• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023

  • Technically true.

    You are right, having the password in the same vault does mean that if the vault itself is compromised they have both. Guess I could move the TOTP to a separate authenticator app but the only other apps I have a mobile only and there are times I need to login without having hands on my phone.

    I guess the time based aspect of the TOTP makes it a little more resistant to having someone monitor my keystrokes or clipboard or whatever and capture a relatively long lived secret like my password. So I guess its a comprise I’m willing to make.

  • I bought a gamedev.TV course on kickstarter and found the content to be pretty unimpressive but the marketing and community to be cultish. I was personally disappointed but some of the class acted like it was the bee’s knees.

    My gut check when I see pricing like this is that its a scam!

    I think free to access educational materials make a lot of sense for products like Godot, do you have any you would recommend?

    Edit: I used some GDQuest content back in the early 3.x days and found it pretty good. I haven’t been able to do much lately so I haven’t seen his recent stuff but this looks like it would be worth a look for anyone getting started.


  • I think this video is a extreme example of the problem.

    Its a one hour video bookended with statements that the author doesn’t have time to make a better video.

    0:00:15: Now I’ve written a lengthy script but I have no time to actually read it out correctly from memory so I think I’m just going to use it as notes and talk from the top of my head instead.

    1:07:15: I’m kind of sad that I can’t do this review like better technically cuz i can’t afford to spend you know a month editing this video.