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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • That’s not even all of them that I listed lol thankfully I’ve only ever paid full price for one.

    I understand that for sure. This is the reason personally I don’t buy a brand unless it’s on at least it’s 3rd generation.

    I’m glad you’re having a good experience with the same s9! I’m my experience, Samsung was the brand for me that had bad longevity. Of course it’s all device to device though.

  • I’m writing this on a Pixel 7 Pro

    So my android journey started with the moto G4 plus when I decided I was tired of giving my iphones to my mom every time she broke hers.

    I loved that device because it was really simple and bear bones. Stock android if you will, with just a few extra features that were really nice Quality of Life features. That’s what set me on the path towards a pixel after a handful of different brands.

    Pixel 4 XL was my first pixel. The big draw for me was the face unlock and the stock experience. At the time, the new spam blocking features from Google assistant were important to me as well. I switched to that after the essential phone brand was officially dead.

    Absolutely loved it, so much so that I got my dad a 4a when it released. It was dead simple for him to learn at 60 coming from an iPhone 5. So much that when COVID happened and we switched to masks, I was petty enough to pick up the pixel 5 for the fingerprint scanner (which my dad now has).

    I strayed for about a year. I picked up the Galaxy Fold 3 at launch and it was mostly nice. I had so many bad experiences with Samsung, but this was pleasant if not a bit bloated. But I missed the simplicity, I missed the themeing, I missed the Google features.

    So around the 10 month mark, my fold inner screen popped off and after having it replaced I put it for sale and bought a Pixel 6 pro second hand. I was skeptical at first because of the bad reviews, but it was a fantastic device in the end. I gifted that to my girlfriend and switched her from iPhone and picked up the Pixel 7 pro.

    I always come back to the simpler android, but the pixel flavor is just something special. I’ve never witnessed any of the issues that people suggest that they have in their reviews. It just flows so well in my experience. I’ll be looking forward to trying out a pixel fold when they get to a 3rd generation or so.

    I love the simplicity, I love the extra features that Google assistant packs in, most of them are now bundled into the apps as opposed to just being locked to a pixel phone. My favorite part is that they’re affordable (Comparatively). I’m glad to see that in Android 14 the best of the Samsung features are being implemented.

  • I haven’t played anything pre-VII, so I’m getting ready to be in the same boat playing through them. Currently I’m enjoying XVI.

    If you liked the remake, I would say start with VII. The original is the complete game whereas the remake is obviously only part 1 so far. However, you’ll have a better appreciation if you play the original, because in playing the remake you’ll notice that some things aren’t quite what they should be. And Aeris seems to have some awareness of this.

    As far as skipping, you’ve already noticed that the games aren’t connected, so that’s up to your preference. If you liked VIIR, go for XV. XIII is an acquired taste is all I can say for that. Though I would put in a vote for IX as well.

    But the stories in most of these games are truly something to be experienced one way or another.