Ben Hur Horse Race

  • 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • ahh dude that sounds terrible, I’m really sorry.

    What I’ve learned about gardening is to grow what loves to grow in my particular space. I tried a lot of plants and you know what thrived? Gerkins. Little cucumbers. Do I need 600 picklng gerkins? I do not, but thats what grows. Chives also love it back there.

    So, we give away jars of home made sandwich slices and pickle relish. The plants reach up and pull on the low tree branches with their little tendrils. Its not what I want to grow (I want to grow fucking pumpkins, but they get downy mildew and barely fruit).

  • Ben Hur Horse Race@lemm.eetoComics@lemmy.mlXXX
    3 months ago

    psychoanalysis isn’t anywhere near the whole of psychology. there is plenty of solid research in psychology thats undeniably scientifically as sound as any test in physics- the thing is counfounding variables are challenging to control in human populations, so you need absolutely massive samples and multiple double blind studies followed up with meta analysis to try to remove them, including researcher bias and plenty of other variables.

    One thing to consider is there is rarely, if ever, proifit in helping people be psychologicall healthy on an individual basis. So, chem and physics gets funded because you can make things and sell the results.

    Its not chemestry! but there is a lot of science happening in psychology, but it’s woefully underfunded because you can’t sell the product in a clear way, and no one wants to talk about how a healthy society has less crime, health problems, addiction, etc.

  • Ben Hur Horse Race@lemm.eetoComics@lemmy.mlXXX
    3 months ago

    Pretty sure the part that we’ve moved way beyond was his somewhat central ideas that everything was sexual, relating to the penis or the lack thereof. Things like if you have a skat fetish you are into the idea of a phallic thing (poop) coming from the anus which then represents a reverse vagina, or oral sex is a man’s attempt to feed their partner with the penis acting as a sort of perverse breast- crazy coked out ideas like that.

    He went much further saying everything’s a penis and women want to have them and thats why they’re so angry, (not because society has made life 10 times more difficult for women than it has been for men since the dawn of time). So one could see why a lot of poeple really don’t like him and toss his good ideas in with the terrible ones.

    In my experience most of his ideas about the psychological processes (sub-consious motives, transference, displacement, projection etc.) that I mentioned and that you also touched on as well are still seen as valid and foundational to understanding psychological functioning.