• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • I patched together some version of this using nested dictionaries:

    var abilities: Dictionary = {
    	AbilityData.Trigger.BEFORE_ATTACK : {},
    	AbilityData.Trigger.ON_ATTACK : {},
    	AbilityData.Trigger.ON_HIT : {},
    	AbilityData.Trigger.ON_KILL : {},
    	AbilityData.Trigger.ON_DEATH : {},
    	AbilityData.Trigger.ON_JUMP : {},
    	AbilityData.Trigger.PASSIVE : {}

    with each value being another key:value pair of { "ability_id": <ability-node> } so I can keep a reference to the Ability node and use dictionary functions like .has() to check if a character has a specific ability:

    func has_ability(ability_data: AbilityData) -> bool:
    	if abilities[ability_data.trigger_type].has(ability_data.id):
    		return true
    	return false

    Then when a trigger fires, it calls this (I omitted the return code):

    // Activates all abilities with the specified trigger type. Returns an array containing each ability that was activated this way.
    //trigger_type is an enum
    //data is just a resource containing things like position, target, ability owner, etc
    func trigger(trigger_type: AbilityData.Trigger, data: AbilityActivationData) -> Array[Ability]:
    	var abilities_to_activate: Dictionary = abilities.get(trigger_type)
    	// Loops through the list of Ability nodes.
    	for ability in abilities_to_activate.values():

    This seems to work, but it still gives me that tickling sensation that it could be a little cleaner.

  • I think I understand…

    Instead of the player iterating through and calling all of its abilities, the ability just connects directly to whichever signal it needs on the player?

    My current setup is to add each Ability as a node to the player, so right now it follows the “call down, signal up” adage that I hear everyone say. What would be a good way to implment the other way? I assume I should rework my current setup otherwise it’d be “signal down, signal up”?

  • Here’s an absolute banger build I cooked up:

    Basically spin around the tileset vacuuming up as many enemies as you can. After the tornado ends, cast Sickening Pulse immediately. Funny business ensues.

    It actually does pretty well in steel path missions, but it does almost no damage to high armour units, even with 10 corrosive stacks. Also completely useless against Overguard units, since for some reason Elemental Sandstorm doesn’t seem to apply to them.

  • The longer I’m using the signal chain the more I’m wanting to rework it to just be a reference lol. Good point with checking if the instance is valid, if any other errors come up I could just patch around them in a similar fashion.

    That said, you can probably simplify your signal code if you connected the bullet killed_enemy signal directly to the player’s on-hit handler. It seems like the weapon on-kill handler is redundant?

    Ah I see what you mean, killed_enemy(enemy-object) signals directly to the player which can then pass that enemy to it’s abilities if needed. You’re correct that the weapon signal is mostly redundant, it was just the easiest node to connect to the bullet’s signals, as it’s responsible for spawning them.

    I think I’ll change the whole system to just use a reference. Thanks for your input!

  • Just tried this out in one of my projects, here’s what happened:

    • do something works without a problem.
    • do something else never goes off.
    • the rest of the game keeps running as normal. You can even call foo() again any number of times and do something will still go off.

    Having it waiting in the background didn’t seem to have much of a performance impact. I started 5000+ of them and foo() only took up ~0.6% frametime with the rest of my game running alongside it.

  • You cant really compare like that, learning is an input and regurgitating is an output.

    Humans learn and regurgitate much the same as an AI learns and regurgitates.

    A human can only output things based on input it’s received in the past. Try imagining a new color. Any color you could possibly come up with is just some combination of colors that already exist. By painting with purple are you not “regurgitating” the work of red and blue?

  • Definitely not. Most of the platinum on those sites is stolen from hacked accounts / credit cards. In the case of the former the platinum will be traced back to you and your warframe account can be banned. Not trade-banned, banned-banned. In the case of the latter, the platinum will be removed from your account once the card owner gets their bank to chargeback.

    Source: My brother got banned for this.