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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 12th, 2023


  • Tabaxi video games: Open world survival crafting rpg with a million different game mechanics. Bugs out the ass because the developers kept getting distracted by a piece of string or some other random bullshit. Ends on a cliffhanger because they ran out of time to finish the story. Robust modding community by necessity.

  • We don’t “force” them to do it. This is repeatedly established to be something they enjoy doing. BW even has this as a plot point: N, a young man who is somehow able to understand Pokémon, is initially of the same point of view as you. To his astonishment, most Pokémon outright refuse to abandon their trainers. At first he chalks this up to some form of brainwashing, but over the course of the game he comes to realize that their desires to train and become stronger are in fact genuine. He ultimately decides it isn’t right for him to decide what they want for them, and spends the sequel targeting abusive trainers exclusively as opposed to tearing down the institution of Pokémon training in it’s entirety. >!There’s also some stuff about a bigger big bad grooming him to be the face of Team Plasma while he controls the group from the shadows, complete with strongly implied child abuse. Oh, and the reason the bigger bad wants to “liberate” Pokémon to begin with is so that no trainer can oppose his own team when he goes for world domination. You know, typical RPG stuff!<

  • Funny you really think that distinction matters.

    Yes, context matters. If in To Kill a Mockingbird the defendant actually did it then the book would be about defending a rapist.

    These are fucking children, stop trying to force feed books with gratuitous sexual content to kids.

    Buddy, it’s two lousy stinking panels. If that’s gratuitous to you then I don’t know what to tell you. Most people can see a dick shaped object for two seconds and be fine.

    If I could prove to you that this book was present at Elementary schools, what would you say?

    Ok, but it isn’t. You realize that it isn’t, right? I’m not going to entertain this hypothetical just so that you can feel like your argument holds any water. It doesn’t.

  • Once again you’ve left out critical information. Let me put this in a bulleted list.

    • The censorship is hiding an important detail: the presence of a strap on. This means that the scene does not contain, as you put it, “sucking dick”.
    • The scene depicted is described in an intentionally unsexy way, as it turns out this isn’t actually what the protagonist wants.
    • The entire point of showing this is that it’s the catalyst for the protagonist realizing that they are asexual. While it can be argued that it is unnecessary for this to happen on page, the fact remains that this book is intended for an audience that already knows what sex is. Nobody is putting this book in elementary schools.
    • There is a big difference between sex happening and literal porn. If there wasn’t, a shit ton of nature documentaries would be x-rated.
    • The scene in question is 2 panels long. This is the entirety of it. This is the equivalent of the scene in The Shining, which 1. many people miss on a first viewing, and 2. fittingly enough is also depicted in an intentionally unsexy way.

    But if all you care about is surface level bullshit and not the actual content of the story, then sure. We should totally Think of the Children^TM , who totally have no idea that sex exists by the time they reach a grade level that would be carrying this graphic novel (high school, ffs!), which is absolutely a part of the curriculum and not something that they check out of the library of their own free will./s