Only a few years later, and ‘art heresy’ like this would be hanging in Paris galleries via the Impressionist movement.
Only a few years later, and ‘art heresy’ like this would be hanging in Paris galleries via the Impressionist movement.
Please go on.
Keep your eyes on the windows.
There’s often some jiggery-pokery going on…
Once again, one of the regulars (grandma in this case) demonstrates that she’s actually a cardboard cutout, weirdly jammed between the outer frame and the lower edge of the sliding window, which somehow sits outside the house.
( yes, and someone certainly needs a life :S )
I was so amazed by how much his woodblock prints looked like watercolors, that I posted an intro and samples here:
Good job of Gallagher getting the slang exactly right(!)
Ah, that’s really cool.
I’d also argue that effort has little relevancy here. Vision and message count much more IMO.
One of the best I’ve seen in a while. Both versions, really.
Bonus pts for wetting the tortilla first, depending on ingredients. That can help bring out its flavors and give it more complexity in terms of the cooking.
Another one is adding a few drops of ghost pepper chipotle sauce, grated parm/cheddar, and garlic powder to the ingredients. Tajin can be nice, too.
The coming of the apocalypse, I presume! D:
But seriously, I was blown away when I first saw this, especially strange since it’s been around for… well over 10yrs I think?
Or just a straight-up Russian troll posing as a ‘concerned American.’
Looks more like Russian propaganda for gullible idiots to me.
Good gosh, you’ve understood nothing in the slightest, if that’s all your takeaway.
Thanks for commenting, and I was hoping it might lead to some interesting discussion.
If I may ask-- did you feel like Gerrold was too harsh in particular towards Roddenberry?
Ohh, you’re so clever…
You got me, pard!
<falls over dead>
Evolution doesn’t care about ideal mechanics- only good enough. Rape was common in the ancient world. Rape happens today despite the long term survival favoring long term pairs.
There’s certainly some facts & reality there, professor, but that still doesn’t change the fundamental point which Adams’ made, and I defended. It’s like you’re freely swinging from ‘matters of proportion’ to binary values in order to fit your argument.
So attributing nobility to what is really a lack of ability is like attributing nobility to a rock.
Which was a poor analogy from day one, considering the many permutations.
Also-- that’s a pretty weird, tight-ass understanding of what Adams meant by “nobility.”
Like, seriously…?
A rooster would plot and murder its neighbors if it had the intelligence and opposable thumbs to make weapons.
Okay, you win on that one-- I fear you’re exactly right there; ala chickens being such unnecessary assholes towards each other and other creatures.
Tell you what, though-- feel free to have the last reply.
It’s like you dance around a smidgen of a circuitous argument, but can never actually figure out what you’re actually trying to say. (or think)
Good luck, you.
That doesn’t refute the poster above. Humans have evolutionary imperatives too.
It does when you put it in context, tho, that being that the poster above did not refute Adams’ point in any meaningful way. Specifically-- rape isn’t ordinary in terms of two-sex species, and is likely a poorer long-term survival mechanism compared to courtship species.
That’s not nobility as the original Watership quote implies but a simple lack of capacity to conceive and implement evil. The original quote could equally wax poetic about how rocks don’t try to spoil other creatures lives.
That’s not correct. Higher animals certainly possess more self-awareness than rocks, and have (as you say) a spectrum of capacity for self-awareness, for reflection, and for modifying one’s behavior.
The real point is this-- unlike all known animals, we collectively have the information available to us of how terribly our existence and practices are fueling one of the greatest extinction events in Earth history… on track with causing civilisation to collapse, likely causing most of humanity to soon die out, if not go entirely extinct. We have not just that info based on the science, facts & reality, but the average mental capacity to understood and take necessary action to prevent all this. Or at least, we “had.” Instead we’ve collectively chosen to pursue our individual lives and let things sort themselves out. Well, good luck with that.
Adams’ quote was perfectly fair IMO.
People are not automatons that are obligated to no longer think a behavior is fucked up just because that behavior benefited these animals in terms of increasing the liklihood of them passing down their genes.
Sure, that’s fine. Label and condemn as you like.
My point is, that’s not a relevant rebuttal to Adams’ quote, as most sexually dimorphic animals do not behave that way. I.e., females generally select their partners, and are not commonly raped. Indeed, that’s part of the whole long-term survival point-- that ‘courtship’ species have better chances for genetic diversity & fitness for their environs.
As for one species empathising with another, that is a far cry from empathising more with another species than your own or being willing to sacrifice yourself for the benefit of another species. I WAS NOT saying that no species empathises with another.
Okay, if you say so. It sure sounded like it, but maybe I misread.
Desperately trying to speak nonsense in to believable reality, eh?