• 19 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • I promoted a dwarf to militia commander - never been in combat, as I was working on creating a militia once I had weapon and armour production underway.

    Then a forgotten beast Cyclops decides to visit my fortress, he makes quick work of my dwarven hunters and in an attempt to get my dwarves inside the fortress I send out the newly promoted militia captain out to delay it while I get ready to seal the fortress up

    I wasn’t expecting much from the essentially green dwarf, but somehow he invoked the spirit of Amorak and proceeded to engage it in a one-on-one duel.

    It was only after I was ready to seal the fortress did I look around to see if he had died, instead I was greeted by a sight that took me by surprise, this lone militia captain was holding their own against the cyclops with his iron short sword. I look at the logs and see this monster of a dwarf is not only fighting without injury but is tearing away at the cyclops, getting his sword lodged multiple times into the beast while deftly avoiding any counter blows.

    It was a one sided slaughter reading two pages of combat logs, one of which was the dwarf wailing away at the cyclops who had collapse from pain shock.

    Made me think I was reading some dwarf Kratos fan-fiction, needless to say the fortress was in good fortunes once the butchers got around to carving up the remains of the cyclops.

    *edit seems it was the Captain of the Guard who was the hero not the militia captain

  • The 5 point anchors are high tech that allows you have dimensional resistance so stuff like portal storms are essentially harmless while active - as far as i recall.

    You do have special labs where I have not taken a chance to explore without activating a properly functioning anchor because - well without spoiling- the area(s) breaks concepts of reality…

    I can only assume from my perspective that the malfunctioning anchors are the remains of the unlucky sobs that did not survive experiments and in the process the anchors were damaged thus I assume the phasing of shrikes is when the anchors are malfunctioning and it taking advantage to phases about.

  • I think so, I know there was sun weakness and it could “cancelled” by covering your whole body- - probably bad for summer days, but sweat and drinking water was preferable to taking the stat malus. I remember that my character was weaker and had to spend more time indoors during the day until I figured I can limit the sun damage by covering up.

    I think that is fair, an alternative is always welcome especially if an npc has enough trust or fear to comply with a donation and if abused would have a consequence.If an a player has multiple followers would that be 1 blood dontation per follower per 21 days, so hyperthectically if the player has 7 followers and they could safely have a blood donation every 3 days?

    Also thank you for looking into it, I have delved into mutations with a character and I think how it presents the information is clearer in the sense that it says that you have this mutation, you have taken a primer and the damage is like a warning about mutating too much…

    I haven’t looked into the latest updates yet as I am on break, but if I had to equivocate the mutation to vampirism

    Vampirism is the mutation, I assume the “post threshold” will be the permanant evolution to a “vampire lord”, I then assume that there will be a “primer” acting as the threshold ticker, the blood as a “mutagen”, but acts in a unique way where the vampire needs “blood” otherwise it ticks the debuff and eventual death if it gets too low and because vampire abilities need blood that also contributes to the vampire “health” pool of blood “mutagen”. And to ascend one needs to use the vampire “primer”( which is a souped up primer) and have another item to act as a mutagenic catalyst. Of course these systems would probably need to be separated from the mutation table to not get weird interactions with the general mutation groups

    I am making a lot of assumptions as I recall the blood is considered a vitamin and thus the whole system seems quite complex to just throw a umbrella coverage of blood “mutagen”

    In closing, I will thank you for considering my opinion and thank you for putting the work into the mod

  • Thank you, I know it isn’t easy but I am discussing with a friend around working out a possibility of working something out towards making what you wrote a reality. I don’t know if it will work but at least it is an attempt at trying to do something. If nothing else it is better than doing nothing.

    Update: The friend in question was the one that pulled away and they contacted me again as they offered to pay for therapy but I was hestitant before because of the cost( I was being negative and they were present during my episode) but from the advice i received, I discussed with them and they agreed to help with initial sessions and, if the generic medication isn’t too expensive that as well, hopefully that can help me transition into being able to contribute and eventually pay for my own therapy and medication.

    It has only just been discussed so the actual process still needs to start. So I guess the advice helped me suck up my pride or something to that effect and take and few steps towards a solution and accept the offer they put forth before

  • Realized while writing that it is spurring me into a textual diaherrhia so please note wall of text ahead, which probably veers off into a rant.

    If I had to surmmarise into tldr:

    The system™ feels exploitative, and unless you partake in the exploiting then one must feel like their value systems are useless because it is not bringing in value.

    Also rant about personal country government that seem to be failing upwards

    End tldr

    I read what was written and somehow felt a need to express, so apologies upfront.

    I am not an American, but I have lived a life trying to do what I thought is the right or correct thing. It has left me with more regret and resentment. And as an observer I think it is more a societal problem.

    I mean doing whatever the fuck you want and not only getting away with it but be rewarded seems to be in the loop of positive feedback. Like why suffer and do the right thing when you can take advantage of another and get rewarded.

    The whole corporate monopoly-type culture isn’t only an American problem, just have to look at the world where a narrative or agenda causes so much suffering.

    Lets just take my country for example. South African, we have been sitting with a electricity issue for going on almost 20 years because there is only 1 power supplier and that is government mandated monopoly. The power issue concerns were addressed to government before it was an issue and they figuritively sat and twiddled their thumbs until it got to a point where they needed to stick their thumbs just a bit out their asses.

    Added to that, we had an ex-president that is mired is so much scandal to the point where one( of many) of his great " achievements " is participating in state capture by selling sub-substandard/ ghost electrical supply contracts to special interest individuals for personal gain.

    And to this day is playing the lawyer-long game to avoid any consequence add to that you get politicians saying we should leave him alone he is an old man.

    So in essence it feels like a big : fuck the country, i got my own, you people deal with the shit I profitted off, not my problem.

    And although I cannot equate to the struggles of minorities, I can relate a bit as I live with the a country that enforces quotas and it is shit feeling knowing no matter how hard you work or how well you do you cannot advance when a company is pushing government agenda in a bid to say " Look we are doing the thing, we are empowering"

    I mean things had to be done with the history of our country, I wish it could have been done with a broader and more encompassing economical structure to ensure that the majority could actually be empowered and be able to uplift the country to allow it to flourish to allow it to open opportunities for all. But unfortunately the current economic system and structure has it sitting in a country with 32 % unemployment.

    I mean maybe the goverment is trying, but they have piss poor accountability as there is constant news of corruption, mafia-like intimidation, mismanagement, incompetence, never-ending joke of broken promises and lately seems a constant rise in prices - which seems to be a world problem too. I am honestly surprised the country holds itself together, I suppose that is because of the taxman is a functioning government entity that collects its due and guess there is enough competent people trying to keep the boat afloat in the background

    It is like if you don’t know someone or have some influence you are stuck to the whims of the system and I personally feel there is an attitude that those above will personally do as little as possible and rely on those below to pick up the slack. I don’t want to harp about ‘oh woe is me’ just feel that almost everywhere there are problems and unfortunately the structure of power demands that those in power must exert power or coerce others to maintain it.

    This is probably coming from someone who has been broken by a system coming in with naivete, so please take it as such, I am relatively fortunate to have what I have because of help of family so I cannot be a total victim to the system. But I still feel disillusioned by it and human nature because it is exploitative by design and I am too pigheaded to want to become a unfeeling husk and give into that base nature completely.

  • Okay an example if I must provide one

    I feel according to brief look at American constitution in spirit if the Founding Fathers that governement should be neutral in religious matters and people have the freedom of religious choice without being discriminated against while still in the spirit of freedom and comradie not resort some sort of cannibal death cult.

    The people have the freedom of choice, however the government must not be swayed and run by one motivating group or factor in the spirit of the writing how the British wished to exert their power and influence to control the then original 13 states

    I also feel that again in spirit of what they wrote something like abortions shouldn’t be banned unless there was some catastrophic failure rate where government must intervene to prevent people from commiting suicide by doing so.

    I am going to get flak by writing it but I believe that abortion can be made a case when it is ill advised at a certain point or if the if the parents decide that a birth is too dangerous, to be able to abort at a late stage.

    By my limited understanding is that if doctors want to choose not to abort then are then in their right to do so if it is not life threatening. The government should not interfere but instead make it clear that individual practioners are under no obligation to help you if they strongly believe they don’t believe in it and within reasonable circumstance and that those that do wish to go with it should be given the option to instead of shutting them down.

    But ultimately it should be the individuals choice to choose even if it is a bad choice and the unfortunate burden of guilt should be shouldered on an individual. I feel that is the freedom that was intended

  • Tldr:

    I am have let myself be too soft as I have not invoked my freedom of expression and fair conditions and let them bypass responsibility and get away with imposing their way of business.

    End tldr

    You know reading these comments made me look at my Country’s constitution… South Africa

    Makes me think that people in general don’t fully read them, myself included.

    It is interesting because in a way some of the things written here can in practice get someone put in jail because of the stigma of the past - primarily racism

    I was raised in the demographic as white but my mother is, and this the term they use here, coloured ( fair complexion) i am sure an internet search can confirm.

    Also realised that when my last job told me I wouldn’t advance in the work because of the colour of my skin ( and I was too stupid and eager for a job I accepted) they were legally covering their ass as there is provision for it if it is formally accepted. That my rights were ebbed away with fine print ( example, they made me sign something inocculous 3 months into employment and fine out down the line that I missed out on receiving bonus by a month because of the signed document)

    But even through all that and the contracts they made me sign i still had the right to strike or to unionized… of course they make sure that you can’t do that because they prey on that need and suppress your right to diginity

    Really off topic apologies, brain wonders off and puts pieces into play that fell off the bandwagon😂

  • Not an American, so the whole America politica is not my thing

    My personal opinion or stance if I had to take one is one has the freedom to express themselves, but to also take into to try respect another’s beliefs and reasoning

    So in this case, you have the right to express your opinions, you have made some assumptions, but still showed some level of restraint. Therefore I am, personally, going to respect your right to expression - seems sanctimonious for me to write that case but yeah… I do not know I am trying not to get into any ideology facets just trying to explore a question that has been bubbling in my mind.

    ( if you want my take on masks and you are free to disagree, is that during covid masks would lessen viral aerosol load… so not foolproof but I find dealing with a 10000 viral load easier to deal with than 100000000 viral load)