• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • I’ve been meaning to set up my own PeerTube instance (I want a place to share my cycling videos that is not YouTube), but looking at the official guide on how to do that feels like I’ve jumped into the deep end of a pool and I don’t know how to swim.
    I’m not entirely foreign with Linux and using the terminal, but I’m not confident using docker and docker compose quite to the degree that the developer seemingly expects me to be.

    It would be nice if I could just install an app on my unRAID server, fill in some variables, and be up and running from there.
    That’s how easy it is to set up a Mastodon instance, why can’t PeerTube be that simple?

  • Additionally, if overall house prices go up that does mean that your house becomes more valuable.
    However, it also means all other houses become more expensive.

    So in practice, if you want to move in 10-20 years for whatever reason, it essentially means nothing that your house has gone up in value. All that extra money is going to go to another house which has equally gone up in value.

    The value of a house going up means you are technically building wealth, but that wealth is entirely tied up in the house itself. Unless you are intending to become homeless it likely will stay tied up in your house forever.

    House prices going up is mostly a good thing for investors. Not so much for people who simply want a place to live.

  • From what I understand this change will retroactively apply to games released in the past as well. I think that’s a rather scummy move on Unity’s part. “I’ve altered the deal. Pray I don’t alter it further.”

    And it’s not like game devs have been using a free product. They already pay for it through expensive licenses per developer.

    If the justification on Unity’s part is true, that for each install of a Unity game the runtime environment needs to be downloaded from their servers, then maybe they should look into fixing that rather than nickle and diming their customers for each individual install (customers in this case being the game developers)

  • Humanius@lemmy.worldtoAndroid@lemdro.idFairphone 5 Announced!
    10 months ago

    That’s a valid concern, but it also assumes that the requirements for apps will go up in a similar trend as they did in the previous 8-10 years.
    I’m not entirely convinced that they will. Smartphones 10 years ago were still very much a developing product category, whereas I think today they are generally matured.

    Just look at laptops as a comparison. When they were still rapidly developing, an eight year old laptop would have pretty much been obsolete. But today an eight year old laptop will still serve most people perfectly fine.