
  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • From what I saw the lower mod probably contacted the admins to make this happen by claiming that the inactive head mod went against the wishes of the community.

    It’s happened before to other subs like /r/wow but back then it was a positive move to circumvent a man child making the sub private over an expansion release that didn’t go so well because he couldn’t log in and play the game. A lesser mod was made head and the original head striped of his position and all was made right again.

    In this case it appears that the community overwhelmingly supported the blackout and move to go private instead. The mod that took over was the only loud voice against the blackout.

  • I initially felt the same way after a day or so of use, however once I got the app and figured out the clunkyness and rough edges it’s really grown on me.

    You’re definitely right about discoverability but you’re probably comparing this to Reddit that’s had like 15 years to mature and sort it all out. Lemmy is made by like 2 developers for free and it’s pretty impressive already what they’ve achieved.

    I think if you give it more time and lower your expectations a little you’ll appreciate it more. And you don’t have to leave Reddit or whatever either, you can just use both and see what happens too.