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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 11th, 2023


  • Lmfao apparently it’s “bootlicking” to point out a criminally online take. I, for one, don’t think people should be judged based on circumstances out of their control, like where or when they were born. There are plenty of reasons to dislike the dude, like no really there are so god damn many, but him being born into it is not one of them.

    I’m not even saying you shouldn’t be pleased to see his death, just that making jokes about the suffering that occurs from cancer is a take so distant from reality of course you’ll only see it online. If you are genuinely pleased by hearing about someone’s cancer diagnosis, you should really do some self evaluation.

    If you think him dying from that will purge the UK of the monarchy, I have a bridge to sell you. There are actual things you could do to help end it, the original comment I replied to isn’t one.

  • Desantis is a goddamn psychopath dude. Trump is obviously not someone that should have any type of power but Desantis is literally no better. His policies are fucking insane, his personal ideology is fucking insane, the voters he encourages and the culture wars he wages are fucking insane. It’s not “just a job”, it’s the opportunity of power, something he seizes as much as possible. He is absolutely a fucking dictator if he gets the chance.

    He came to my college campus a couple months ago, he kicked off his q and a with a prayer asking god to kill trans people. I’m not even saying that as a euphemism, the motherfucker literally said “and we ask you to stop the prevalence of transgenders by force if you need to” during that opening prayer.

    Fucking insanity.

  • Point fingers? Why are you being so dense?

    It’s not like the corridor of shame was some unforeseen possibility caused by a lust of lowering taxes. It is intentional, by design. It is no coincidence the schools are entirely for predominantly Black neighborhoods and counties. The schools are so bad due to the state intentionally cutting off access to funding for Black students. Obviously, they do not claim this is the reasoning. However, at the exact same time these students are discriminated against to an unimaginable level, other students are enjoying the luxuries of multiple $1 billion buildings at some schools, like in Summerville, a predominantly white area.

    But no, let’s not “point fingers” lmfao. Occam’s Razor is that you should never attribute to malice what you can attribute to ignorance. Well, this cannot be attributed to ignorance. The state of SC, and many states in the South, are full of malice.

    I could literally go on and on if you want, I study political science in the South. The hatred on display here is different from the rest of the country, it is not the same as prejudice or racism in other areas, though it does exist all over, of course.