• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 31st, 2023


  • Memmy’s great. I think mlem has a lot of potential as well. I think we can do some fun stuff with it if we stick with it. There are a lot of creative things we can do once we get the core functionality built out and functioning, and then fine-tuned a bit. Once that’s good, then comes the fun part, in my opinion. But I’m a designer, so that’s where my mind goes. The little fun animations and the way the app reacts to your interactions, that we’ll be able to incorporate.

    Apollo was great, but there’s also a lot of potential to do our own things, having used and learned from Apollo, and now knowing how different the fediverse and Lemmy are from Reddit.

  • Tankies are a COINTELPRO operation to divide the left and wreck left-unity and solidarity.

    Tankies are being manipulated specifically to divide the left, and the ONLY people who talk about left unity are the “Ultras” and “Anarchists” and “Democratic Socialists” - all of whom tankies REFUSE to associate with. Tankies revel in treating them with disdain and contempt and belittlement, pushing them away… rather than bringing them in and being kind, caring people who want to share their viewpoints with in an effort to educate and bring others into the fold. Tankies have ZERO interest in that.

    The Feds LOVE that tankies end up isolating themselves by being dickheads and pushing out anyone who might have a chance of being brought over to the revolutionary mindset. They love it. Tankies are doing the work of the feds for them.

  • So, the creators of Lemmy itself (and it’s “home” instance lemmy.ml) are Marxist/Leninists (otherwise known as “tankies”).

    However, they have been smart enough to contain the most virulent tankie bullshit over in LemmyGrad.ml, which most big instances have specifically disconnected themselves from.

    They also seem to be pretty hands-off in terms of censorship/banning/belittling “libs” on lemmy.ml and have kept it pretty open. For instance, I created a LeftistInfighting community and have been allowed to express anarchist views there. (I created it because I was immediately banned from LemmyGrad, which had its own LeftistInfighting community that I had the audacity to engage in and link to wikipedia in a comment)