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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • I wish the mouthpieces of rich assholes, like these tools from NNU, would support teaching factual history. It’s nice that a Scotsman from the 1770s thinks parents need to pay for school or else they won’t care about educating their kids. I don’t find Smith’s opinions binding, or particularly actionable in 2023.

    When I went through Idaho public schools, our history class never mentioned the fighting and midnight flight of the Idaho state capital from Lewiston to Boise in the 1860s. No mention was made of the Army called out to illegally imprison hundreds of miners in the 1890s to help break the many strikes. No mention was made of the mining union, or the IWW, organizing thousands of Idahoans for fair wages and treatment. No mention was made of former governor Stuenenberg being blown up with a bomb in his mailbox in 1905.

    The monied interests have been corrupting politics, exploiting workers, rewriting history, and lining their pockets in Idaho as long as there have been monied interests. They continue to do so today, as witnessed by these 3rd tier Chicago-school pudknockers from Nampa.

    The monied interests are still here, fucking over the Idaho political and education systems. It’s no wonder that 2/3 of the U of Idaho students leave the state after graduation.

  • We’ve tried training, we’ve tried internal affairs, we’ve tried civilian oversight boards - nothing works.

    If you want to fix broken policing, the answer is civil tort law:

    • mandatory personal malpractice insurance for each cop
    • abolish qualified immunity

    Let victims sue, and make insurance pay huge settlements.


    • cop salary will have to go up to cover basic insurance premiums. That’s ok - it’s good incentive for cities to find alternatives to cops, the way paramedics are an alternative to licensed doctors
    • after a few lawsuits, bad cops will have their premiums go up; that’s less take home pay for them, and that history will follow them if they try to change departments; really shitty cops will find they can’t afford to be cops and find new careers
    • insurance companies will get good at cop lawsuits like they are with medical lawsuits; there will be a lot of out of court settlements, and over time, insurance companies will know which departments and which policies lead to lawsuits, and set premiums accordingly

    This is how society turned barbers into surgeons; it’s not rocket science.