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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: January 18th, 2024

  • Yeah they are so incredible!

    One of the biggest hindrances for their species is the lack of social learning. The mother starves and dies protecting the eggs, so all octopuses have to learn for themselves over their short lifespans.

    And that is a testament to their cunning intellect and problem-solving capability. They learn so much and so quickly.

    I’ve wondered what would happen in an experiment where a mother octopus was hooked up to machines to deliver nutrients to prevent her from starving to death while guarding her eggs. What kind of social dynamic would then follow once they hatched? Would she teach her young?

  • My German Shepherd knows the names of about 10 different toys. I can tell him “go get the cactus/pineapple/red bone/donut/basketball/blue ball (his favorite)/etc.” and he’ll even drop what’s in his mouth to get the right toy.

    I can ask him: “Where is [person]/[toy]?” and he’ll run all over the house, upstairs and downstairs, to find them. He loves hide and seek.

    People underestimate the intelligence of dogs and animals in general.

    Edit: Here’s a writeup on animal intelligence, cognition, and culture. (I have ads turned off and do not benefit in any way from my blog.)

    Edit 2: My current dog hasn’t mastered the open-ended question yet, but my previous GSD understood the question “What do you want?” I train them by asking it, and then presenting them with options I name (e.g., to play, go out, a walk, treat, water, etc.).

    Sometimes I’d ask, and my dog would lead me to an empty water bowl. Sometimes he would go grab a toy. Other times he was bored and indecisive, and would test things like going up to his treats. Sometimes I would say “No… you don’t need them…” And he’d do a little amused wag before leading me to something else. I really miss him…

    But it would blow people’s minds to see that he was capable of comprehending that question and understood so many options. Dogs are smart as hell and we literally coevolved with them and domesticated them from wolves. They understand human body language far better than any other species, including great apes. Dogs are incredible.

  • I was really unhappy with that change in the last update as well…

    I couldn’t find a setting to change it back to the actual numbers, but I think that should absolutely be an option in settings.

    As you said, the numbers provide a lot more information regarding engagement/views/how controversial a comment/post is.

    Some people may feel it’s frivolous, but I’m considering a new app if it remains a percentage.

  • What an utterly stupid statement… She’s refusing to contribute to committing genocide, but that’s not enough for you. You think she should kill herself too…

    If everyone refused to contribute to the genocide, then there wouldn’t be one either. There’s no reason young people resisting conscription should be making futile self-sacrifices. She’s already sacrificing her freedom in refusing to participate in a genocide, and spreading awareness and dissidence.

  • I felt that way for the first season of Fallout76. I worked my ass off grinding away after work, and it felt like a 2nd full time job. I was so relieved when the season ended.

    Then the second season dropped shortly after… I started grinding for a few days, and then I just was so burned out and bitter that I stopped playing entirely.

    I didn’t want to just casually play when there were some later tier items I really wanted, especially for my camp. But I didn’t want to grind for it either. So I bitterly said fuck you Bethesda and stopped playing FO76 entirely.

    Fuck season bullshit that makes you grind like a full-time job. It’s different when you unlock the content just by playing the game normally. A great example of that is DRG.