26 years old, USA

  • 10 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • Omg. Are you right? I really highly prefer Quake Live, and the feel of it. I loved CS but stopped watching when the Saudis came in. Havent interacted much with Valorant, but I’m susceptible to arguments that it improves on CS in mapping, which of course CS is about to fix.
    My main issue with esports is just the timing, I’m 26, I was excited about it when I was 16 - and it failed to take off in time. We had big tournaments but not the fundamental technological and design progress that I was hungry for. So I’m open to your opinion on many fronts.

  • A lot of our best institutions are based on gentleman’s agreements. If our representatives must ignore the processes we’ve come to expect, because those processes were never actually written down or coded into law… Yeah, the president has an unbelievable amount of uncheckable power to make the government just not run as intended.

    The basic hypothesis is that if the president did something treasonous, he could be arrested by the military, who are sworn to protect the Constitution.

    He couldnt change the rules, because our legislators do that, and its all written in the Constitution. But he could fail to appoint people, appoint people to multiple cabinet positions, or some other weird ways to get around this.