Friend of DeSoto

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 18th, 2023


  • It says nothing about spyware, the article isn’t hyped up at all, and describes a token to track installations vs downloads.

    "This data will allow us to correlate telemetry IDs with download tokens and Google Analytics IDs. This will allow us to track which installs result from which downloads to determine the answers to questions like, “Why do we see so many installs per day, but not that many downloads per day?”

    Also there is an opt-out during installation.

    I don’t even use Firefox, and I honestly am not attacking but your comment seemed very hyperbolic and with little detail.

    You’re right that it’s good to be aware of this stuff, I also don’t see this being a road block for the average user.

  • My Garmin Fenix watch, it was during the first month of wearing it that I realized my life and fitness can be like a video game and I get badges and points for doing things. It drives me to move and even after 4 years, it still is making me motivated.

    A nice wallet, I looked for a long time and ended up with a Trayvax wallet. I just love the damn thing, it’ll last me forever and it’s unique and functional. Each time I pull it out of my pocket, I appreciate it’s look and feel and form.

    My osprey back pack. I’ve carried it to and from work, on boats, kayaks, walking, for camping and to my friends houses. It is just so functional and comfortable in a way that a less expensive one isn’t. It’s made to be comfortable AND hold things.

  • Just got a system up and running. Silverstone cs382 chassis with 6 12tb drives. 4 are in a striped mirror set and the other two are mirrored. I wanted protection and speed. The os and docker apps each have their own 1tb SSD. Rest of the hardware is old from eBay.

    I’m coming from open media vault so although I’m not running anything but rsync now, I will be setting up a wordle clone, an intranet, and backup for family photos. I run some of the same stuff as you but I’ll have to look up what the rest are. Tailscale is something I’ve wanted to do but haven’t dug into it yet.

    I may set up a task list for the kids chores as well.

    Plex and all the associated things.

    Not sure what else yet as I’m still setting up replication and stuff to protect what I have first.