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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Ok. I mean I personally believe with application of reforms and laws you can incrementally get things better. And it’s more about fighting corruption than trusting in the integrity of humanity.

    But hey sure if thats your take away. Probably would have saved a lot of time by not going through all those insane hoops and just starting here right? Almost like half thought analogies and pure rhetoric isn’t an effective arguing tactic.

    I mean I really haven’t taken you seriously from the start for the previously mentioned reasons so I’m glad youve come an understanding of some sort at last.

  • Well that civility was short lived…

    No, you.

    You are lazy for not looking at how humans have worked since the dawn of time

    You are lazy for thinking you’ve given some actionable plan when you’ve literally done nothing more than “can’t we all just get along.” Saying just give houses to the needy is stupid. Noone is ever going to do that. Petition governments to provide increased housing- sure. Create an initiative to build homes for free- great I’m all for you doing that. Do x thing that helps: sure. You do that. Telling people you need to just give up your stuff and return to monke- not a solution.

    You are… lazy.

    Worse- you think you are smart because you read a book on Marx and try to use ridiculously unnecessary words.

    Why use an extraneous amount of verbiage and syllables when a diminutive amount suffices?

    Pseudo intellectual is the worst kind of intellect .

  • I believed in a perfect world everyone should have everything they need. I also believe we do not live in a perfect world.

    Do I believe the current system is broken? Yes. Do I believe reform would work? Yes. Do I believe I’ve seen any kind of plan or actionable theory of how to change it? No.

    Do I believe empty houses while people are homeless is wrong? Morally, yes. Realistically- not my fault and not my problem. Can’t fix that but I can do what I am doing.

    Ideally yes governments and economies would serve humanity- again we don’t live in an ideal world and the human condition will always prevent that.

    We probably won’t get anywhere because:

    I also believe that if these things were to be done it would involve the government- not me- providing these things. In this ideal situation I would also be allowed to buy property(or whatever thing) and rent it to those who can’t afford it themselves. This means more taxes and excluding lobbying, gerrymandering, corruption in general. I believe every system fails to corruption because that’s just the human condition.

    Yes that’s sort of what happened when ussr collapsed- not entirely. A lot of the apartments went to the current residents… like alot alot. There’s a reason I know this. However what you mentioned also happened. And it sucks. It’s not fair. But there’s no way to be fair about it. Now the legitimate (uncontested) government has control of things and that’s just where we go from now. Going back through history is pointless.

    I also disagree that shouting at people is effective. Especially when you appear to be shouting x when you really mean y.

    I’m much more willing to listen to someone who lays out a well constructed argument rather than some rhetoric that on its own makes no sense.

  • Great- I readily admit to not having read much Marxism or communism as the basics of it don’t make sense to me. And from the interactions I’ve had with your community I’ve no desire to ever pursue it. If you people are the example I know what I need to know already.

    If you can explain why rentseeking is unethical without devolving to “I have a philosophical disagreement” I’d be happy to hear it. Even better if you have a real alternative for people that doesn’t involve stealing people’s property.

  • Landlord/owner whatever. They are synonyms. That you think it significant is concerning.

    provide a place for people who can’t afford them

    If the value of the home and the income from rents is the same as your expenses it’s a bad investment and should be sold. Doesn’t have to be necessarily if it’s not costing anything but it’s just not a good investment.

  • More like

    Bank - > landlord

    Landlord -> bank

    Landlord -> property taxes, maintenance, improvements, insurance, pest control, etc

    Renter -> landlord

    You not taking these simple facts of life seriously really highlights why Noone in reality takes you serious But hey- who am I to interfere with your obviously well-educated and experienced self.

  • Uh- he literally didn’t. The owner did these things. He paid the agreed upon amount to live in the house that he doesn’t own and doesn’t improve or repair or pay taxes for.

    I pay taxes - does that mean I own some percent of the road? Schools? Emergency service? Of course not. Do I get to utilize these things that I didn’t build but do pay a fee for over time? Yes.

    That you can’t see this makes you quite a bit more than suspect.

  • Buddy I’m replying to the things he’s saying. If it hurts your brain that I’m detailing why the things he say make no sense that’s on you. If hexbear is all people like you- that’s on them.

    I am new to lemmy and would prefer actual discussion- if certain groups brigade and shitpost in lieu of discussing- that’s on them.

  • I’m not leaving for an echo chamber. I’m just leaving. It’s your echo chambers I’m exiting.

    All these empty houses aren’t producing rent are they? You can go buy one and give it away if you want. Oh what’s that? You don’t want to do that?

    What’s the difference if I hammered the nail myself to build the house or if I buy it from the guy who did the hammering. This is the insanity that permeates your argument. I’ve done both by the way- either way that home is owned by someone and rented to someone else.

    When did I say rent was compensation for building a home? You say that- and you are wrong for bringing it up. I built a thing- someone wants to use said thing- we make an agreement that we both agree to.

    I characterize this insane rationality as evil. You want a thing to be given away for free without compensation. It’s crazy to think this investment I’ve made is somehow going to magically fix something if I just transform it into some other thing you aren’t all brigading over. If it wasn’t a house- it’d be a restaurant, or a clothing business, or whatever. And you’d eventually get up in arms about that too. What you really want is others to give you an equal share even though you haven’t done anything to earn it and I fucking have.

  • This is the kind of thing I really hate to see. It’s the reason I’m going to be leaving. You guys make a blanket statement like all landlords are evil because they extract rent for shelter. You don’t give any further reasoning. I’m sure you’ve collectively decided that through some illogical conversations on your home instance but you fail to make a valid point in the wild.

    For example:

    where are you expecting people to live?

    These homes are owned by someone- they worked/paid/built them themselves.

    Why do you think these people who have toiled for 40+years should just give you there invested money/work for free?

    Why are they evil for using something they have worked for to help themselves?

    Inevitably someone like you comes along and just shitposts this same rhetoric you just did with no logical backing behind it other than “evil landlords must die and be redistributed”

    How is a house different from a farm? Or a rail system? Or a insert anything created by someone and used for personal gain?

    Why don’t you go build your own house? Why aren’t you giving these unfortunate souls your own place?

    To cap it all- you follow each other around in groups and rather than actually discussing you strawman, point people to communist propaganda, and generally troll anyone who disagrees with you. No one wants to join your club, no one wants to read your Marxism books etc. If you have a point- state it. Don’t point elsewhere and act like you won because we arent interested in your echochamber