Mid 50s, first went online on a 70s BBS, JANET user in the 80s.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • Good question, I was thinking about this the other day. The reason being that development of several fediverse apps has seemingly stalled because the previously active developers have life issues. (I’m not moaning about it, just a straightforward account)

    It seems to me that FOSS developers wouldn’t want their projects to be popular. Because that comes with pressure to constantly improve or expand and it takes up more time. So they start a Patreon or similar but that adds more pressure.

    When projects are community developed then I see disagreements and personality clashes which increases stress for lead developers.

  • Have you seen the discussion over on Matrix in Liftoff Development. From what I can tell, someone new has been doing things that hasn’t merged. Other than that not much has happened.

    But really none of that matters because what matters to end users is seeing the bugs they encounter squashed and that’s not happening.

    I’ve suggested before that this might be a funding issue and offered that users could donate.