
I’m here for a meme time, up votes to the left thanks

  • 154 Posts
Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月21日


  • Best and worst could go to Fritz Haber. You may not have heard of him unless you’re into agriculture, but he is a Prussian Chemist, born in 1868. He worked with Carl Bosch and created the Haber-Bosch process. This process allows you to synthesize ammonia from hydrogen and nitrogen. Large amounts of fertilizer can be made from this quickly. He received the Nobel Prize for this in 1918. It is what allows us, even today, to mass grow crops. His work, without hyperbole, feeds billions today.

    However, his background in chemistry meant that in 1914, he was asked by his country to contribute to the war effort. After all, that’s what one does in war right? He devised heavier-than-air chlorine gas that would go on to be used to kill millions. He resigned from his field in 1939, but the nazis took his research and used it to form Zyklon B - the chemical used in gas chambers on Jews.

    He is one of the people whom we ask “does their good outweigh the bad?”

  • "Here we stand, on the precipice of the unknown. As we all prepare to cross the Rubicon from school responsibilities to taxes and jobs, one thing holds true. We must be the best. Thousands of ancestors put us here to make the world better for the next generation, every time. And while some may have forgotten that, it comes down to each of us to take the wheel at some point and make the same hard decisions, even when they dress up as different problems. For this next graduating class, make the most. Shape it to be the Better Place you want to see.

  • I know this one! It was mentioned specifically as Port Arthur, a contention of the russo-japanese war, at the turn of the 1900s. Specifically would call your attention to the part where they lost their main fleet, and called upon the Baltic Fleet (yes hoho THAT baltic) that made a trip around Africa in what became known as the Voyage of the Damned for all of the absolute chicanery and Lethal stupidity that took place on that nearly 9 month trip that culminated in catastrophic losses for the russians, and is one of the major pressures on Tzar Nicholas II to get involved in ww1.

    Anyway that’s one of the parts of the story as of how we’re all in this fucking mess.