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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • Please tell me, scientifically, why you are so sure that people of faith are wrong?

    Because they all offer competing and mutually exclusive hypotheses.

    Christianity tells us that the one true path to salvation is by accepting Jesus Christ as your lord and saviour.

    Hinduism tells us that our next life will take place in this world, based on our actions in this life.

    Islam tells us that Mohammed is the one true prophet.

    Buddhism says that there are no prophets, enlightenment only comes from within.

    They make contradictory claims, so by definition they can’t all be right, and they typically claim that they are correct and the other explanations are false, so even if one religion is correct, the rest (comprising of the majority of the faithful) must be wrong.

  • Life’s pretty good here in Australia. No neighbours on the border causing problems, weather is generally good, lots of wide open empty nature to get out of the city, average salary is $93k and unemployment is low, crime is low. Inequality is a problem although our Gini coefficient has actually lowered recently. There’s a lot of life to enjoy, and really the endless stream of negativity is only experienced through the media, not in real life, so I switched off the TV and just focus on what’s going on around me, enjoying the people, places and activities that I like, and things feel quite positive.

    Turn off the news, it’s bad for the psyche.

  • Right? People want to turn this into reddit.

    Have… have they they seen reddit?

    I prefer things without powermods, corporate and government influence, profit motives, censorship, groupthink, karma farming, excessive banning, etc etc.

    If people really miss an endless content feed then they can just switch to one of the social media giants - it’ll only take a couple of clicks - and Keep Lemmy Good.

  • That’s awesome, good work mate. There will be occasions where temptations are there. Just stay strong and remember the big picture and what you’re aiming for. You’ll look back on yourself in 5 years time so thankful for the decisions you made now.

    If you ever slip up and have a drink, just remember that doesn’t mean it’s all over, and it was all for nothing - your progress doesn’t reset to zero, it just takes one step backwards, all those steps forward you’ve taken are still there. Be kind to yourself, accept it happened, then get back on track, and you’ll get there.

    The good news is that these situations will be less and less likely to result in remission as you and your friends get more used to your sobriety. Sounds like your friends don’t know yet, so they are continuing old patterns. I’m sure once you inform them of your plans, they’ll be supportive, and if not, then they’re making the decision to not be a part of your journey any more, and that’s on them.

    You might find engaging in new activities that don’t centre around alcohol would help. I find if I exercise, I can’t stand the thought of drinking afterwards, and only want to eat healthy food and drink water. Anything else feels a bit disgusting. You’ll find what works for you.

    Keep it up, you’re making good progress!