Don’t Think, Just Jam

  • 88 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 25th, 2023


  • PTV is the first car we ever had, it’s just slightly updated now. STV is the “jeep” one. Driving off into the void will still require flying your buggy to a space station as there’s no personal hangars outside planets at the moment (I guess you could jump down Crusader technically).

    As for wiping the hangar, the issue right now is that apparently hangars can remove your decorations but won’t put them back into your inventory (so you probably won’t be able to use them again until next major patch). Again, that’s just from a brief reading earlier, didn’t try it myself.

  • Haven’t played but looking at first impressions suggests stuff is still broken.

    Some highlights:

    • inventory kiosks in habs are unusable (there’s a workaround apparently?)
    • spawning your ship in Orison doesn’t work
    • invisible hangar doors are still a thing
    • personal hangars can disappear the stuff you placed around them

    On the other hand I’ve seen some people with no problems so it’s a classic SC experience, I guess.

  • Funny you say that… I haven’t used it myself yet but apparently it has an issue creating folders for the game files when used through WINE. They promise they’ll make it ready before the October deadline but you know how CIG is.

    The good news is folks from LUG offered to help with identifying Linux related issues so maybe things will work out decent enough.

  • I think these ideas sound like a good starting point to thinking about such things in a way realistic for SC universe. They would probably have to be a bit less black and white since it’s a game, people make mistakes and some would surely found a way to use them for trolling or griefing but that’s a better starting point than “players should group up and take care of the problem themselves”. On the other hand however, some of the devs are the exact people who would be the most affected by such restrictions and we can’t have that, can we?

    Seriously though, I can’t wait for CIG to actually start talking about details of the reputation system and how they think they can prevent issues plaguing multiplayer games since their inception. I don’t expect much considering they want to reinvent the wheel (as always) but I really want to know what their plan is.

  • Same here though I didn’t have much desire to begin with as I couldn’t care less about participating in PvP, especially in a lawless system. I’ll probably make 2-3 attempts to view the sights, get shot and go back to packages and playing doctor in Stanton.

    That said, I’d be lying if I said I’m not a little interested how this experiment plays out. Will the player base turn Pyro into a shit show? Probably. Will CIG see that (again, after seeing all their previous attempts at having trust in their players) and do something to improve things for the “carebears”? I have my doubts but I’m open to surprises.

    There is one thing I’m certain about however: FFS RELEASE THIS DAMN THING SO YOU CAN START ON IMPLEMENTING ACTUAL CIVILIZATION. If there’s another Pyro focused presentation at Citizen Con I’m going to punch a child.

  • To be fair, they did state multiple times in various shows that some of the devs are all about the “chaos, killing and no safe spaces” so I’m not surprised that THIS will be our biggest play area expansion in years. I don’t like it but I’m not surprised.

    I just hope CIG takes whatever criticism and lessons come out of Pyro seriously and actually listens to what players have to say. I don’t mean they need to make the game 100% suited for my taste but I’m really tired of them completely missing the point or dismissing criticism because “it’s tier 0 and things will be improved soon within the next decade”.

  • Yeah, CIG has an unfortunate tendency to disregard 20 years of MMO (or even general games) history just so they can learn through their own mistakes.

    They were surprised when during Pyro test people were “murder-hoboing” all over the place. They are surprised any time a mechanic is used to grief others (remember med gun in armistice fiasco?). For some reason they really believe they can use in-universe methods to correct out-of-universe behavior and make people role play the way they want. It’s one of the most disappointing parts of the development to me.

    I’d like to say I wasn’t expecting this but… At least their art and environment teams are pretty great, that’s something?

  • It’s certainly… a choice though I don’t think we could’ve expected differently - Pyro is the new system with all the shiny additions after all. Stanton won’t be getting a big update for a while plus they want to drag PvE and non combat players there. I just hope they won’t act surprised when people don’t roleplay according to their fantasies, again.

    The best we can hope for is a safe system as a goal for the next (post Nyx?) expansion.

  • If things look grim they’ll just drop another concept sale like they did with the Ironclad, that’s always a sure way to hype up the (important part of the) player base.

    I’m honestly not sure how the free flight go - things are already bad and when you mix ongoing PTU with FF… It’s not going to be pretty. One thing I do know is I won’t be there to help the newbies this time. It sucks but I really don’t have the patience for SC right now.

    I’ve been taking a break since the last Invictus and tried to jump back in over the last few days. Between master modes, changes to flight UI and the state of the servers (I can’t count how many times I had to deal with a situation where game wouldn’t react to any of my inputs beyond mouse movement for minutes at a time) I finally got fed up, quit mid mission and made some space for something that actually works. I’m not even sure I’ll bother checking out 3.24 at this point, might end up waiting until 4.0.1 or something.

    Apparently they just opened wave 2 of PTU. I’d like to believe this means progress but I also saw mentions of persistence issues still being a thing. I just hope this isn’t an attempt to push it early to make space for 4.0 testing.

  • I’m not particularly surprised. Despite multiple attempts, mission team (or CIG in general really) hasn’t shown they’re capable of creating well crafted multiplayer content so far. Not to me anyway.

    I’ll wait with real criticism until it hits live since I don’t have PTU access and there’s small chance they’ll fix some of this stuff before that but I can’t say I have any expectations about this event. I didn’t really care about it when it was announced and all the changes (released or upcoming) since CitCon only dampened my experience with the game and made it difficult to look forward to what’s coming.

    This was my daily dose of grumbling about SC, time to do something productive.