• 5 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2023


  • I don’t know much, but what I’ve heard, doesn’t he invite people onto his show in a bad faith attempt to deconstruct their viewpoints instead of having an actual discussion or conversation?

    In any case, I’m not a fan of debate shows, especially if the people have unwavering and aggressive views. I deal with enough of that shit from my own family.

    In addition, false flaggers can go directly to hell. They have no intent of having constructive conversations, and instead wish to just aggressively attack people based on their own biases and bigotry.

  • No, not at all. Just sad cuz nostalgia is all. Cool he wants to travel and meet fans of him and the franchise, it’s just… Again, kinda feels like a bit of a travelling sideshow attraction is all. Maybe it would be better if he retired is my point of view. It would bother me to be reduced to what feels like a circus act or county fair attraction. “Come see the Bearded Lady, after that, get Charles Martinet’s autograph!” Ya know?

    Edit to add: at the same time, I do get that this is apparently Martinet and Nintendo wanting to continue to work together. Hell, maybe I should take my nostalgia glasses off. He gets to travel the world on Nintendo’s dime, and get paid to do it. Probably not too bad of a retirement I guess.

  • Okay, but why does it make women uncomfortable? It’s chess.

    I understand enough about biology that AMAB people typically have more muscle mass, but unless we are talking about chess boxing (personally, I wouldn’t step into a ring with any boxer, I would actually be killed), separating divisions by gender as opposed to skill level is stupid at best. Banning trans people is outright bigoted. There is no question. Unless the chess grand masters or whoever had that stupid idea think women are just, what, less strategically minded? Do they think women are more stupid than men? Why ban trans women AND strip them of their awards? Nah, this is bigotry in action.