• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023


  • Any different from the other SoC options fire stick/roku/etc - mostly only that I don’t have any of those to play around with, but through work I do have access to cheap NUC Like PCs.

    I have a Bluetooth kb& mouse connected to each. Spacebar to play/pause works everywhere.

    Audio is mostly in sync, but if you’re in a place where you can hear both TVs at once there’s a delay you can hear. I’m walking around with a Bluetooth headset connected to a TV that’s physically in the middle of my house to keep the reception mostly good enough.

  • Help desk for a tech company (hourly, not salary). They wanted me to be on the on call rotation for systems I wasn’t qualified to oversee, and not pay me extra during the on call shifts. It was at that moment I stopped giving a fuck about that job and productivity and project completion both dropped off. Was justifiably fired a few months later.

    Never ever work for a company for free.