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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • @schmurnan

    I’m a HUGE 1Password fan–and have been for years. It is always the very first app I install on any device. Paid for every upgrade since v4 when I discovered it.

    I was sceptical of the switch to Electron, but it’s just the front end. The backend is written in Rust and performance has been great. It’s not native, but that’s a current trend right now…

    I was even sold on the subscription model, and now manage a family account for my wife and kids.

  • In Washington we have all early voting results and some of the early results from that day by the time polls close on election day. Then an update each day with those processed that day with the remainder that trickle in over the next couple of weeks (e.g., mail in ballots from overseas, challenged ballots that need to be “cured”) until the election is certified.

    Most places where there is a delay, it is intentional and written into law/regs–like, that each ballot and its signature has to has to be verified by a human before it can be scanned. And, if, hypothetically, a party wanted to cast doubt on an election, they could send representatives to challenge each and every ballot and slow the process down–and simultaneously cry foul that the process is taking so long. But no one would do that, right? /s