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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023


  • Uhh, you say .00001% that MIGHT? I think you mean: nearly twice as much because EV’s go through tires nearly twice as fast, and ABSOLUTELY ARE. Microplastics are shed from tires, I don’t know what makes you think they aren’t. All that tire tread that is now gone on your tires when they go “bald” didn’t just disappear, they shed into the air and the rain washes them down into streams.

    Also fun fact, EV tire particles are even more toxic than regular tires. And regular tire particles are already one of the most toxic microplastics studied.

    I work in a nano particle toxicology lab that has a pretty big focus on micro and nanoplaatics.

  • Lol do you know babies don’t understand words? Also the like three 10 year old kids were literally given money by their parents to tip the drag queens in the second video so apparently they thought it was fine. Regardless of what I or you think is appropriate for kids their parents thought it was or they would have left and certainly not given their kids money to tip.

    You found two with 99% adults in the audience who were with their parents that made their own decision to not leave and take their kids away.

    How many cases have there been in the past year of children getting shot at school or raped by priests though? Spoiler a lot more than 2, and guess what those kids are dead or have ruined lives, not just being grossed out for a few seconds. Most kids see worse on YouTube.

  • No I didn’t respond to the wrong person. You stated devils advocate to go against what everyone was saying and explain why he’s not that bad. Saying devils advocate is not calling him the proverbial devil. You said it’s to bring fairness to a discussion and look at everything from all sides (lol) when all it’s ever used for is to defend and uplift people and ideologies that are hateful and hurtful. It’s a transparent and cowardly move. Just state your opinions because that’s obviously all it ever was, but you knew you’d get ratioed for it so you try and hide behind the devil’s advocate.