• 17 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • My experience is completely anecdotal, so may not apply. Your toddler is like 2.5 years. I found it hard around that age, but after calmly setting boundaries, explaining why and being open to negotiation, at around 3 it became super easy.

    Tantrums for my kid are 99% of the time just because he’s hungry. I just explain this to him during and after the tantrum. Like “so you were really sad before, but after eating you’re happy now right? Do you think that would help next time you are sad?” Now he will sometimes tell me he’s just super hungry when he’s upset.

    Other than playing with him which I enjoy, he’s like 70% in auto pilot.

  • What’s the timespan? Mine only last a couple days at most. If it’s that long, just chill and wait.

    It’s worth inspecting why you don’t like being nearly straight. I’m slightly traumatized and afraid of women because of an abusive ex. My fear of losing interest in men it’s partly attached to that.

    I’ve found that when I’m in a woman phase, it’s often because I haven’t seen a beautiful man in a while. Same the other way too. Then I see one and suddenly I’m into men/women again. Being bi doesn’t mean you MUST be attracted to all men or all women. Let’s be real.

    Maybe you just need to meet someone your type to end the cycle.