
A man of leisure living in the present, waiting for the future.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Great let’s do it through secular public means, where it can be done at scale, without dogmatic strings attached, and it can cover everyone and not be an ad hoc patchwork that causes some people to fall through the cracks

    Grants to faith based charities are just a backdoor for siphoning public funds to religious groups. We already subsidize their absurdity and disinformation via tax breaks.

  • Deadlands: Hearing the gunshot nearby, a startled wiry whipper snapper with an iron on his hip and a chip on his shoulder takes a shot at you from the darkness, as he says, “this darkness ain’t big enough for the both of us!” rolls and hits you in the noggin. Want to spend some chips? Oh you don’t have any? You are dead. Give me your character sheet and roll a new one, podner.

    Changeling: the darkness opens revealing a portal to the hedge, your traumas come rushing back, the humiliation, the loss, the anger, the fear, a terrible yet calm Fae voice echoes from beyond, “the contract has been sealed.”