Where can i get the redwings for $100?
Where can i get the redwings for $100?
3.5" is much more solid than 8" floppies.
Alarm! Alle Mann nach vorn! Warpen!
Just tell him to shut up.
Bit they have to keep it open source.
Let her take something from the police in return. Maybe some of their cars?
Your man in the middle argument is invalid, no matter how much you write. Just trust youur self signed certs and you users see no difference. That’s even more secure than blindly trusting the idiots from verisign.
Don’t act so smug.
That’s bullshit. You are the one who issued the cert. You can add it to your list of trusted certificates. You just have to check that this is the right certificate.
Your man in the middle scare comes from users who ignore cert warnings and continue without checking anything.
I haven’t used a CD or DVD for years. Most of my devices have no disc drive. Streaming has won, at least for lazy people like me.
Film him while proposing. Then he can say it was just a prank.
If that thing flies with the tiny propeller in the back, he is a genius.
More than 20% want to vote AfD. They are not forced by anyone. They just want those racist idiots in the government.
Just take the shorts off before helping
Lauren, her chest touched.
We could teach ducks to write and they will finish before him.
He should have the AI write his next few books. People will stop askimg when they are done, he will make a lot of money. And the readers will be just as disappointed as if he had finished them himself or not at all.
Why do you think having a MBA matters? It’s a weird circlejerk for losers.
Look at the body cam footage. What I meant by running out was the rapid opening of the door, ready to kill. Not sprinting down the driveway. That the wife opened fire is also well documented.
Don’t forget to downvote the reality that does not fit your opinion.
If this stuff about his sister is true, he is not a nice guy.