• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Every change will bring it’s fair share of complainers, not much we can do about that. LILO to GRUB, SysV to systemd and now X11 to Wayland. No one is forcing your hand (unless you use a pre-packaged distro like Ubuntu/Fedora, in which case you go with whatever the distro provides), keep using X11 if you want stability, if you wanna dip your toes in bleeding-edge software and increase it’s userbase to show hardware manufacturers that their drivers need to be updated (I’m looking at you, NVIDIA) then feel free to mess around.

    Eventually the day will come when Wayland apps will simply not launch on X11 and you’ll migrate too.

  • I’m not a K8 admin, but having worked with both Google and MSFT, from an admin’s perspective at least. GSuite sucks.

    It’s one of those platforms that think they focused on end-user first (which to be fair, they did) and then decided mhmm wait a moment… we can also sell this suite to enterprise so lets make an admin panel and all those enterprise features. They suck, they absolutely suck. Like 900 different panels to set permissions for users, outdated FAQs that don’t make sense, etc etc.

    M365 sadly is the golden standard for enterprise