• 66 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • All in all, car bloat has increased vehicle prices while making autos more destructive to human life, natural ecosystems, and pavement alike. Because the full societal costs of crashes, pollution, and road repairs are not borne by owners of SUVs and trucks, every American is effectively subsidizing car bloat. Even if they drive a sedan. Even if they don’t own a car at all.

  • I feel like maybe you don’t know what a headless component library is. A cli has a head – the terminal. Headless applications, by definition, have no visual portion. For instance, a headless browser is a browser where the web page renders in-memory, but never displays any content. A headless component library, then, is one where the implementor doesn’t provide anything visual, only behavior. For web dev, is very helpful – the library implementator writes all the js, but the css and html (the “head”) are left to the user for use. The best headless component libraries, then have nothing to screenshot without the user supplying some implementation.