• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Botree@lemmy.worldtoStarfield@lemmy.zipIs it just me or is Starfield kinda meh?
    10 months ago

    If you like it and are having fun, good for you. If you don’t like it and would rather spend time on the bazillion other games out there, you won’t be missing out much either.

    At the end of the day, Starfield is just another Bethesda game. Same mould, same problems, same gameplay, with a slightly improved engine for overhauls which will be carried out by none other than free and enthusiastic modders.

    Screaming at each other for liking or disliking a game is just what gamers always have been doing and will keep doing forever.

  • I’m a huge fan of sci-fi and I do love myself some sci-fi horror, like those in Love, Death & Robots and the German series Dark, but even Dark is nowhere as dark as Black Mirror is. The difference being Black Mirror is entirely focused on showing you the darkest side of human nature. There are no redemptions in most of the stories. No typical hero journey, no light vs dark narrative; just shit going from bad to worse to nightmare fuel.

    If there’s one thing you can take away from the entire series, it wouldn’t be “Technology is bad”, but “Humans are fucked up”.

  • Let’s face it. How many of us have actually contributed enough to any FOSS projects to demand for free and premium services. I personally would rather donate to a FOSS app instead of paying Sync, but it’s unfair to judge Sync for having ads and trackers when the option of removing them is there. There’s nothing wrong with any dev wanting to make a decent living or even more than that, as long as they don’t go overboard and are honest about it.

  • Not sure if it’s a bug or feature, but it’s almost impossible to delete all traces of your accounts on Lemmy since they get copied to other instances, which don’t disappear even after you’ve “deleted” your accounts. I’ve tested this myself. I can still click into my deleted profile from another instance and the comments are all still there too.

    Just move on to other instances and remember, no take-backsies!