The Post Ninja

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • wasdqe - a, d strafe left/right on ship bearing, w forward on ship bearing, s reverse on ship bearing, q, e rotate left/right

    x to full stop

    shift to fire the main engine (like w but spicier)

    space to shot gun

    assuming en-us qwerty keyboard of course

    mouse: hold / tap right click to aim ship towards mouse pointer, hold left click to drag the speed bug and set speed towards your heading ot target

    click on an object to target it, automatically facing the ship towards the target and matching velocity relative to it

    middle click hold to open the cargo bay. Remember, never brake (s) with the door open unless you want to dump cargo out

    assuming right-handed mouse

  • Blue light doesn’t damage the eyes unless there is a burning amount of it (or a burning amount of UV), but people with bad eye focus may find it more straining to read things in blue due to the greater light scatter of the color. The solution is wear your reading glasses, I guess.

    What really strains the eyes is focusing on close up objects for hours on end. American eye doctors everywhere have the 30/30/30 rule (every 30 minutes, look at something 30ft away for 30 seconds) as a “let your eye muscles relax for a bit” exercise for those of you always working on something up close.

    That said, night filters are good just to help with your circadian rhythm, since the brain looks for a persistent abundance of a particular chunk of blue wavelength to determine “daytime”.

  • flatpaks are designed for gui apps, and due to packaging dependencies, they are extra heavy in disk space. flatpaks are also most often installed on the user, not systemwide, so no root permissions needed to install.

    apt installs systemwide exclusively, but can have a much smaller download size if the dependencies are already installed. Apps sharing dependencies means much less disk space. cli is supported.

  • It’s an “immutable” Fedora, that is, the system comes as a read only image, kind of like how android works. Anything you do is “layered” on top of that image. This means you have to actually try to break it, because you can undo anything you did to break it by simply not booting with the extra layer(s).

    You’re encouraged to install in userspace flatpaks instead of system-wide rpms where possible, as system-wide rpms means adding a layer on top if the image as it is.