
  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Those “root checks” are a joke. ~Nobody raises a brow if you are an admin user with root privilages on windows, (desktop) linux or macos. But it’s such a huuuge deal when you manage to actually own and use your own mobile device the way you want by breaking free from what they impose on you, ugh…

    Any app that doesnt work when you have root access ~shouldn’t be used at first place…

    Lsposed is a magisk/ksu module that has its own modules too. Like a manager insude a manager giving you even more options.

    I would like to help you with various stuff and customizations but I just don’t have enough time to explain them all.😅

    I’m just gonna list stuff you may find useful:

    Apatch (root and magisk/kernel modules manager)

    Mrepo (magisk modules manager)


    Color blender (to tweak metarial you colors)

    Droidify (fdroid alternative)

    Aurora store (play store alterantive)

    Total commander (closed source root file manager)

    Canta (used to uninstall system apps, I just use it to see the descriptions of various apps and disable them)

    Florisboard beta (I have made a very good copy of gboard with that, I can send you the files if you want)

    Smartpack manager (info about the phone and more)

    Appmanager (various detailed info about apps)

    Hidden settings (settings your rom may not show, closed source)

    Island (for dual apps)

    Neobackup (root backups, has issues with work profile)

    Databackup (root backups, I use it to backup work profile apps)

    Sai (installer)

    Roundsync (uses rsync or rclone I think)

    PrimitiveFTP (to send/recieve files with ftp connections)

    DroidFS (to encrypt files)

    DiskUsage (to visalise storage usage)

    Db viewer (to view databases of apps, closed source)

    Termux (temrinal for android, too advanced for me)

    UsageDirect (logs app usage)

    Motionamate (logs steps)

    Neutrinote ce (notes)

    Fossify apps (gallery, sms, calendar etc.)

    Librera (pdf, epub etc viewer)

    Moneywallet (expense/income tracker)

    Magisk modules:

    • Adb and fastboot for android ndk

    • Advanced charging controller

    • Busybox for android ndk

    • Lsposed-mod (maintained version of lsposed manager, after the original went archived)

    • Zygisk mod

    Lsposed modules/apps:

    • Lucky patcher (hacking apps if you want to)

    • Free notificiations to manage notifications

    • Matrix rain (fancy effect with matrix background in notification shade)

    • messengerEX (to disable adds in messenger app, in case you use it)

    And many many more stuff

    I was setting up my phone for about two weeks some months ago (the was a bug with xiaomi and work profile)😅

  • There is a band that once had made a song with those lyrics:

    Once again we hear them calling for war It doesn’t matter what they’re fighting for They light the match and watch the whole world burst into flame The story’s always the same So tell me, people, are you ready to kill? Behold the propaganda, get your fill A distant enemy is threatening our freedom again How much would you like to spend?

    They don’t care about the blood on their hands Look at the world, and you will understand They count the money as the innocent continue to bleed They’re always planting the seed So tell me, people, are you ready to die Without believing in the reason why? They paint a picture, and the whole damn world is deceived It’s all that they ever need

    Millions are falling in line And it’s just a matter of time Endless destruction will ensure their pockets are lined For all time

    No more defending the lies Behind the never-ending war

    No, it can’t be disguised anymore How they smile as we pay for their war

    No more, by Disturbed

    What happened Disturbed, did you forget what you were screaming about in the past (in 2018)? They also had some other songs similar to that. Come on guys… that’s dissapointing…

    (Though they do had some war-glorifying songs before this one, but I thought they had changed their view, matured or something…)

  • :/

    I see what you say…

    4years ago I discovered Sabaton and they were ~the only band I used to listen to. Having lyrics that arent the typical love stories made a difference. They seem to be a rather rare mix of history and power metal (I think I tend to be attracted by “angry/powerful” music.) Plus, it made me even more interested in history. In ~1-2years I had listened to ~all their discography and even went to their concert (my first one🙃). Ever since I found many other bands and artists from various genres (with also the help of a friend) so my Sabaton intake has decreased (currently trying to find communist/anarchist greek rap, I have found at least one ~good band).

    But, ughh, they have some bad songs, in a bad way. Soldier of 3 armies, ghost division, back in control and some others would probably be better if they didnt make them (they also seem to be a bit too proud of their Swedish history which I find kinda alarming). I kiiiinda get their excitement over powerful people and machines (even if I ~don’t get excited about it), but they could choose something else to sing about. They tend to be “neutral”, but they are the ones who choose the topics for each song.

    On the other hand, in bismark, rise of evil, final solution etc. I find them to paint the nazis negatively which keep me from saying that they are nazis. I also really like all their anti-war/religion songs.

    I’d like to see a kinda “leftist” version of them. I have a feeling that either they lean to the right or they don’t want to voice any leftist opinions because they might lose a big part of their audience (I happen to know people who listen to them a lot and some have very strong leftist and others have right wing (even neo-nazi…) opinions). They give me some mixed signals with the songs they produce.

    I try to keep their good stuff, but I keep having mixed feelings (especially if I am to go to another concert of theirs).

  • Offline, right?

    As long as you set Load remote content to never😅 (I think when this is turned on it loads stuff like images and such from wikipedia etc. which take unecessary cache space, so I leave it off).

    About the english wiktionary, oi… it’s huge (for comparison, the greek one is ~200mb).

    I don’t know if there’s a less complex version available anywhere… Maybe try creating an issue on aard2 github page. They seem to be active in general (btw, they also run an ftp server where they store ~all the dictionaries you see on github of multiple verions.) Also take a look here on the other projects, maybe you’ll find something useful (I’m taking a look at it now).

    As an extra topic, have you managed to convert wordnet dictionaries to .slob from pyglossary? I have found some ancient tools on github, but never made it (possibly you need to code some stuff).

  • Both. Wordnet does english to english (it provides description and really lots of synonyms, antonyms, hypernyms, hyponyms, derived related forms), while wiktionaries can translate whatever language to the language of the wiktionary you’ve downloaded and it provides you description, congugation, synonyms etc.

    You can even download the wikipedia dictionary separately which downloads all the articles of wikipedia of a specific lamguage locally to search them with the app.

  • One of the best apps out there. (Helps me a lot since I don’t use auto-correct/auto-suggestion and I try to read books in English.)

    I use the English wordnet and the Greek wiktionary provided by their github page.

    It’s good for 4 uses:

    1. Translating words (whatever language to greek with wiktionary)

    2. Explaining words (english to english with wordnet or greek to greek wit wiktionary)

    3. Cheking the conjugation of various words (with wiktionary)

    4. Helping me with spelling for words I have hard time (using both wordnet and wiktionary)

    The fact that it is online makes it much much faster than anything else. (In the past I would search them on ddgo and it would take time.)