• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Started the year off GMing the Gumshoe Yellow King RPG. It definitely takes more prep than other games I’m used to but is thematic and a great horror experience.

    Our group then switched to the Avatar RPG, which has been an absolute blast. I’ve been playing a firebender in the Aang era. We’re currently on our second season.

    In between the Avatar game when scheduling falls through I’ve been GMing Blades in the Dark, which has been one of the most rewarding and exciting games I’ve played.

    Our group mostly plays weekly and we’ve been together for 6ish years mostly playing D&D.

  • Vallejo Scurvy Green - an amazing color that can be used to add depth to just about anything.

    AK Light Flesh - a great off white to mix into other paints for highlighting

    Vallejo Metal color Silver - the best metallic paint than can be covered with inks or contrast to creat any metal color.

    Contrast Blood Angels Red - a way to bring the red richness back with glazing

    Vallejo Game Color Lustful purple – a interesting base shade for whites. Highlight up with Light Flesh for an interesting white.