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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • That’s a pretty impressive feat and I really applaud your efforts to try to break out of that. I feel for those with that diagnosis that this would be pretty difficult to overcome, especially unassisted and without professional help. I do also think that for others without a diagnosis it might be akin to a phobia that’s developed. I myself grew up with A LOT of food hang-ups - went a full decade without being able to eat anything remotely resembling a dairy product. So these things take time and a lot of forward AND backwards steps.

  • It’s not just your circadian rhythm being fkd. It’s your regular, overall sleep pattern. Constant interruptions because civilized life goes on during day hours. Need to go to a bank? Have a plumber over to fix a leak? Go to see a doctor, ironically for sleep issues? Gonna lose sleep to make those “sacrifices.”

    For those who have never worked shift, it’s like getting up at 3am to go see your kids basketball game, then go to work at 8am.

    Source: Worked shift for many many years.

  • I think the key to greater change in ourselves and our communities is through small changes. Thats the way to get me prepared for bigger changes that might be required further on down the road. So I do the following things for myself and to maybe influence others in feasible ways:

    1. Low-meat diet - do a vegetarian or pescatarian day every now and then, and reduce overall meat intake (I still love meat but save high meat days for special occasions)

    2. Switch up transportation on nice weather days. I have a car, motorcycle, and e-bike. The car is used primarily for trips that are in inclement weather, when I need extra safety (sketchy area, at night, or I’m not feeling well), or need to haul stuff. I use the motorcycle and ebike for everything else. Less/no emissions and puts me in a great mood.

    3. Always have camping utensils, thermos, and bags. Reusable bags for tons of situations. Camping utensils replace disposable utensils at eateries. Thermos for my bevs so no need to buy plastic bottled bevs or use plastic cups. I also always take my own food containers with me to restaurants and use those instead of the restaurants for take home leftovers and let me tell you - they really appreciate that.

    4. Thrift my outfits. Online and traditional thrift stores. I sell them for cheap on online sites or donate when I get tired of them. About half my wardrobe is thrifted.

    5. Be kind to others and myself. I think this is the most important thing. A good feeling goes a long way towards caring about bigger and bigger things. Keeps us all connected.

  • What do you think would happen if you told him about the mushrooms?

    I had a BIL who hated any kind of seafood. Couldn’t be in the same room if we were eating shrimp. I made an Asian beef stew with fish sauce and I watched him tear through that. One of my big life regrets not telling him and then stepping back and watching it unfold.