• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • AtomicPurple@kbin.socialto> Greentext@lemmy.mlIdentity's Kaleidoscope
    8 months ago

    My partner has DID, and I’ve done a ton of research into it as a result. This story sounds extremely plausible to me.

    I’ve read multiple case studies where people with multiple personalities will get out of whatever situation was causing the disassociation, and over time some of the personalities will vanish / die off. There was also a very extreme case I read about where the fractured personalities managed to coalesce into a new whole, but it was a different personality than the original. Basically a fully formed identity that was suddenly living the life of someone they didn’t identify as, and whose memories they couldn’t really recall.

    Even in my partner’s much less severe case of DID, the less prominent personalities will sometimes go dormant for months at a time. Haven’t had any of them disappear fully yet, but it’s at least theoretically possible from what I understand.

  • No, it was inaccurate, even at the time. The Famicom was built to cost and and mainly used cheap off-the-shelf components that were already obsolete when the system first released in 1983. The NES released in North America the same year as the Commodore Amiga, a system that actually was cutting edge, and represented a big leap forward in what home computers could do graphically. By the time Mega Man released, the Amiga was on it’s second revision and other home computers were rapidly catching up to it’s capabilities.
    While Mega Man was one of the best games on the NES, it ran at the same resolution as every other game on the system, and was stuck working within the same limited color palette and low sprite limit that were more than five years behind the curve when it released.

  • My handheld vaporizer isn’t nearly that efficient, but it is still crazy how efficient is is compared to smoking. Awhile back I was given a pickle jar full of bud, and it took my partner and I about 2 months to get through 1/5th of it. We ended up giving the rest to a friend who mainly rolls joints, and he burnt through all of it in under two weeks. I was genuinely shocked when he told me he had used it all already.

  • Do they even need to replace him though? There’s a 25-year back catalog of recorded voice lines to recycle, and most of those consist of “Let’s-a-go” and “Yahoooo!” I think the most complex sentace I’ve ever heard Mario speak in game is “Thank-a-you so much for playing my game”. Combine that with AI voice recreation, and there’s literally no reason to ever hire a replacement. Just cut Martinet a big-ass check for perpetual use of his voice, and they’re golden.

  • Hard to say. Linus has always made it sound like his investment in Framework is a personal one, not one made by LMG. If that’s the case, then I think any potential issues could be largely sidestepped by just having someone else do all the laptop reviews.

    If that’s not the case and LMG is directly involved with Framework, then it gets a bit tricky. To their credit, they’ve done a good job of disclosing the Framework investment whenever the company is brought up, but I don’t watch most of LTT’s review content, so I’m not sure if it’s being mentioned in the context of other laptop reviews. If not, it needs to be.
    The whole point of having that kind of disclosure though is so people know that the information being presented is potentially biased. At a certain point, it’s on the audience to take that bias into account and cross reference other sources before making any purchasing decisions. I’m not sure there’s anything LMG can really do to alleviate the perceived conflict of interest, unless they just stop reviewing laptops altogether. Whether or not it’s ethical to continue reviewing laptops in that context, even with a full disclosure, is a question I don’t have a good answer to.