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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • I mean, you can just not use it. It was a great option for me because I can just have one provider in the SIM slot (if I wanted) and keep my main one on the eSIM. It allowed me to swap to eSIM when my SIM card was acting up. I switched to eSIM over a year ago and honestly forgot I did and it’s been really stable. I think it’s a great option and works for me. I wasn’t even thinking of needing to switch to another phone because I have no interest in swapping to another phone. I’ve had mine since 2020 and will keep using it until it is unfixable. But I also don’t drop my phone or damage it otherwise.

  • I have no interested in marriage and I find the concept absolutely bonkers. I shouldn’t be financially and legally bound to someone to be their romantic partner. Been with my SO 16 years and we have a home, absolutely not interested in having kids and have never had any reason for marriage.

    And if he ever has any medical or other kind of debt I won’t be responsible for it. I won’t be responsible for his funerary expenses etc and vice versa. I should not be responsible for someone I didn’t birth. He’s been there while I recovered from surgery at the hospital. Being married does nothing. He is listed as the one getting my life insurance and will get my savings if something happened to me. No kids, no exes, nobody to try and contest it. And if something changed I don’t have to worry about ‘divorce’ and all that bullshit. What’s mine is mine, what’s his is his. He can use my debit card if he wants and I can cut access with a press of a button if we somehow broke up, which won’t happen but still, it would be a clean break unlike married couples. Marriage is pointless.

  • I know what fixed my issues but i enjoy carbs and not exercising too much… strict keto eliminated all ny inflammation and pain and exercise gave me the energy I needed and strengthened my joint muscles… problem is my SO makes amazing pizza and they put me on a beta blocker for my POTS and well… yeah, that killed my exercise drive.