AnarchoAnarchist [none/use name]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 11th, 2023


  • You know what?

    Late October, with a ceasefire in place, I can understand the impulse to swallow your pride and vote Biden out of fear. It’s not an impulse I’ll share, but it’s one I can understand.

    But we are over 4 months away from the election. Pledging your support to an incumbent president while he is in the middle of supporting a genocide, with no reservations or halfhearted attempts to demand concessions is so servile it makes me sick.

    Look at my “leftists” bro. We are never getting socialism bro.

  • Israel is desperate to record a win.

    They have not been able to demonstrate victory in Gaza despite taking over practically the entire territory. They have not been able to demonstrate a win against Hezbollah despite lobbing missiles back and forth for months. They have not been able to record a win against Iran despite blowing up an oil pipeline and (mabie) assassinating a president.

    Even assuming the political leadership in Israel wanted to end this conflict (they don’t) they can’t really de-escalate until they’ve “won” something.

    If Netanyahu were truly a statesman and a Patriot, he could in this conflict and shoulder the burden of defeat. Give Israel away to deescalate the situation and save face. Unfortunately for everyone involved Netanyahu may be a nationalist but he’s not a patriot.

  • There are things that Biden supporters can point to. The problem is the list is very short, because he’s unwilling to take strong executive action and he’s hamstrung by a broken Congress.

    Also the fact that anything he can point to is overshadowed by the genocide happening with his support.

    So like, discharging less than 1% of college debt is something. But it’s not a lot. And the people who might be willing to make the case that it’s better than nothing, are a little bit too disturbed at the genocide happening with our tax dollars to make that argument.