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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • This happened to me. I got a PhD and expected to be able to get a tenure track job in academia. Sure, it’s hard. But it wouldn’t be me that failed at it, right? Wrong. Three years later, no job, scraping by on adjunct work.

    I went back to law school. Sometimes you have to redefine your life in a way that gives you new opportunities. Does it still hurt that I couldn’t get my dream job? Yeah, but I have a lot of good I can do for the world in other ways, and I’m not going to let that dream’s death prevent me from doing it.

  • Here in the US I once went to the optometrist to get a new glasses prescription. While there I mentioned I was getting some new floaters in my eye and a little weird brightness. They took a look and found a tear in my retina, which can threaten your vision if you don’t get it taken care of quickly. My insurance company utterly refused to allow me to just schedule an appointment with the opthalmologist. First, I had to wait two weeks to see my general practitioner, then schedule an opthalmologist appointment after. It was three weeks before I saw a doctor who could fix the tear in my retina. Luckily it did not detach, but it absolutely could have.

    Our piece of shit health insurance system just about half-blinded me for profit. Do not implement our monstrous system. It boggles my mind that British people would ever even think about it.

  • To be clear, the vast majority of academic philosophers (at least in the Anglophone world) find Freud to be useless pseudoscience. Freud gets taken seriously in literary analysis and continental philosophy. The latter is a minority position (although drawing a hard and fast line between “analytic” and “continental” philosophy is pretty difficult these days).

    When I was getting my PhD in philosophy, I would have been laughed out of the room if I wrote a term paper that used Freud in any significant way.