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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • AlternatePersonMan@lemmy.worldtoScience Memes@mander.xyzfossil fuels
    2 months ago

    The argument is that corporations do what they want, often not because we want to buy their stuff, but because:

    • we don’t have a choice
    • they hide what they’re doing through propaganda, lies, obfuscation, etc. so we don’t know about it
    • powerful lobbying

    Here’s some examples:

    • Cigarette companies spent decades convincing people their product was harmless and Even good for you. The oil industry has been covering up climate change the same way.
    • Trains are rarely an option in the US, because of subsidies to planes, roads, etc. Car companies pushed hard to actually remove public transportation.
    • Don’t like your ISP? Too bad, you probably don’t have another choice
    • Look at the PG&E story and how they contaminated drinking water, then just lied about it while people died. You don’t really have a choice about who supplies electricity to your city.

    Yes, you could choose to live off of the grid and walk everywhere and grow your own crops, but that’s hardly a choice. And it doesn’t have to be that way. Shitty people at the top of these companies make ungodly money by screwing everyone else over anyway they can, regardless of the cost to humanity. That is the point.

  • The crazy thing is that you don’t need to cherry pick quotes or take them out of context to make him look like an idiot.

    Listen to pretty much any interview or speech and he says something that is clearly idiotic, evil, or a blatant lie. Most likely all three… Repeatedly.

    I get that Fox News is a hell of a drug, but just hearing this dipshit speak should shatter the illusion. The unwavering support is mind boggling.

  • Creepy. And I learned something. Reminds me of another comic strip that cracked me up. The gist:

    God said to the insects “you may each pick three traits.” The millipede said, “I want legs!” The centipede agreed. God nodded. “And for your second trait?” The millipede smiled brightly and said “More legs!” The centipede request the same. God asked for their final request. “More legs!” The millipede shouted smiling even brighter The centipede gave a sinister grin and growled. “Teeth.”

  • Because this asshat isn’t a journalist. He makes shit up and spins it how he’s paid to. He has zero morals, zero integrity, and is less reputable than the boy who cried wolf.

    There’s been plenty of leaks of him flat out lying on Fox. Combine that with Putin also being a lying psycho, and there’s really no good or truth that can come from this interview. Only propaganda and misinformation.

  • I would argue the heart of the problem- or at least a major component, is that so few companies control the market. I can go to a different grocery store if the prices are insane at only the nearest one. However, pretty much all grocery stores carry mostly the same products. Those products are owned by just a handful of companies.

    Want a different cell service? There’s just 3 companies left. Internet? You probably don’t even have a choice.

    It’s pretty easy to jack up prices if there are no competitors left to swoop up your customers.