Al_Sham [she/her]

Bint al-Sham

  • 1 Post
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 14th, 2023


  • Audience Question: “Houthis” or Ansar Allah?

    Ansar Allah movement is a Yemeni movement which was founded by martyr Sayyid Hussein Badreddin al-Houthi and was known as “the Believing Youth” before.

    The movement was known as Houthis as well between Yemenis and media at the early years of the activities. Houthis comes from the family of Sayyid Hussein Badreddin, the founder of the movement, which is the name of a district in Amran province, north of Yemen.

    What is wrong with using Houthis for Ansar Allah movement?

    Like other countries of West Asia, Yemen also had many [ethnicities] and tribes, which was influential on the government of the area.

    This is used by western media mastermind to label a vast popular movement in Yemen by name of a tribe and to label the current war as a tribal war. Dividing Islamic countries is usually done using two methods: 1. Religion and 2. Race [or ethnicity]. In Yemen ethnicity is being used by Saudis.

    This doesn’t mean that the religious differences are not used for discord and dividing in Yemen but the racial and tribal differences are the main trick for warmongering.

    Therefore using Houthis for the popular vast movement of Yemeni Ansar Allah helps the MSM to overlook the tens of parties, political movements and tribes and millions of people who joined Ansar Allah.

  • It’s about 5 years old now but start here.

    “Lebanon’s Revolution is Without Revolutionary Ideology” by Ali Kadri

    It goes over the 2019 color revolution and gives a backdrop of how the imperialists have systematically gutted Lebanon’s governmental institutions over the past decades.

    Basically Lebanon today is the victim of a comprehensive hybrid war that has gutted the state and civil society.

    Some stuff since the article was published:

    Since 2022 when Aoun left there’s no president. The economy is in shambles there’s extreme poverty for many Lebanese and especially the millions of Syrian and Palestinian refugees living in Lebanon. Imperialist NGO’s have supplanted a lot of what a government should be doing.

    The Lebanese army collaborates with the imperialists but it would see internal coup if the leadership ever actually declared war on Hezbollah on behalf of their imperial handlers.

    Hezbollah provides social services in the south that a government would provide.

    Inflation was in the triple digits for the last few years. The banking industry is a horror show- Kadri discusses this.

    Sectarianism remains a major issue and is quite literally enshrined into the constitution by the Taif agreement.

    Huge sections of Beirut are still abandoned after the port explosion in 2020. Rather than the government receiving international financial support the majority of it was directed to “international organizations” which are all hybrid weapons of US/EU.

    Basically Lebanon is a tangled mess of international capital interests from France to US to the Khaleej.

    The Lebanese communist party has become a revisionist mess even openly working with the Lebanese Forces (fascists who were alligned with Zionism during the civil war) as recently as 2022. Although they are turning around a bit post Al-Aqsa Flood.

    Hezbollah is the only real sovereign force present in Lebanon and it is not accountable to the shell of a government that exists. There is a funny story that a few months ago the US negotiators asked members of Lebanon parliament if they could move Hezbollah to north of the Litani river and they replied it would be easier to move the river down south than to move Hezbollah.

    When the cancerous usurping zionist entity is finally ejected there will have to be a comprehensive economic/political/social revolution in Lebanon rebuilding it from the ground up insha’allah

  • Unrelated but a similar level of utterly horrifying conspiracy connections.

    Last December I read a book called Revolution’s End by Brad Schreiber about how the CIA developed its brainwashing techniques by experimenting on African-American prisoners with all sorts of torture techniques and psychedelic drugs to “rewrite their personalities” during the 50’s 60’s and 70’s. Nightmare stuff.

    I pieced together that the descriptions of their test subjects fit extremely similarly with the descriptions I have read from survivors of MEK and Daesh terrorists. “Zombies” “Shell people” or “robotic” is how a lot of literature and interviews describes the people who came out of US torture centers in Iraq and then created ISIS. Same thing with MEK, all the people who escaped their cult (Mek leaders of course trained by the CIA) discuss being turned into a “drone” through their methods of personality rewriting.

    It got me thinking about how imperialism has an army of psychiatrists and psychologists constantly waging mind war on the planet all the time and I ended up spiraling out for a few weeks. The depravity of the US empire knows no limits…

    From that book

  • Decades-Long Conspiracy Unveiled: Sabotage of Yemen’s Agriculture

    Yemen has the highest rate of food insecurity of any country in the world. And the US and UK have been using biological weapons to sabotage their agricultural industry under the guise of “Aid.”

    CIA-linked members confessed to orchestrating these actions, with involvement from British and Dutch embassies. Key actors like the US Department of Agriculture and the FAO were implicated, with USAID’s pivotal role dating back to the late 1980s.

    Local USAID operatives outside Yemen continue gathering intel, obstructing advancements in agricultural practices. A Seed Center for Seed Inspection facilitated the entry of inferior seeds, some infected with pests, while spiny weeds were spread instead of vegetable seeds.

    USAID targeted fertile soil with contaminated seeds, aiming to render it unsuitable for cultivation, alongside spreading scale insects to hinder wheat production. Spy Shayef al-Hamdani confirmed USAID’s role in spreading epidemics among agricultural crops under the pretext of pest control. USAID’s interventions were carried out through implementing partners, including international organizations, spreading epidemics in specific crops under the guise of controlling pests. USAID played a pivotal role in executing these plans through its operatives both within and outside Yemen.


    Around 5:30 a.m. on the morning of Sunday, October 23, 1983, a yellow Mercedes truck entered the main compound of the United States Marine Corps (the marines) near Beirut Airport. The truck driver circled the area south of the parking lot of the compound and then left the premises. At 6:22 a.m., the truck returned and broke into the compound. However, this time it approached from the west side of the parking area, making a detour, before heading directly towards the barbed wire fence that separated the parking area from the building. After crashing through the fence, it broke through the front doors and exploded in the main lobby inside the building. The force of the explosion lifted the four-story building into the air, destroying the support columns and foundations before the entire building collapsed.

    Conflicting estimates have circulated regarding the amount of explosives planted in the truck, but most experts believe it was approximately five tons of highly explosive TNT. The explosives were deliberately arranged in order to direct the force of the explosion upward, resulting in significant destruction and injuries to everyone inside the building. It was later announced that 241 US citizens were killed, including 220 marines.

    Just a few minutes after the explosion, another massive explosion struck a building known as Drakkar, a few kilometers away, where the French paratroopers were stationed, killing 58 of them. The cause of this explosion is also disputed; however it was initially attributed to a car bomb loaded with approximately five tons of explosives.

  • Today has seen even greater escalations on the border of Palestine and Lebanon.

    I suspect thay sometime between July and September the US-israeli zionist forces in occupied Palestine will begin a massive operation in Lebanon against Hezbollah.

    It will be a repeat of 2006. Before the July war, the Gaza resistance had captured IOF soldier Gilad Shalit. The IOF was unable to retrieve him despite a savage campaign against Gaza so they chose to invade Lebanon instead. Entire villages were destroyed and Beirut was bombed but the IOF was routed and took heavy damage. (Look into the story of Hezbollah leveling Heifa train station its really quite awe inspiring).

    A ceasefire in Gaza will only accompany an escalation against Lebanon.

    If I’m wrong about this I’ll eat my shoe