Dizzy Devil Ducky

I am Zach, AKA AceFuzzLord, AKA Dizzy Devil Ducky!

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Too bad I don’t have access to any apple products I could use to try it. Gonna have to look into this.

    Edit: looked it up and it looks like something similar to Vib-Ribbon in terms.of gameplay, but from what I can gather, it’s been over a decade since any updates. Also, I’d hope for a PC port of a Vib-Ribbon clone because there’s no way you’re getting me to play any more rhythm games where you have to use a small touch screen to play. No idea if that Russian Dancing Men has the ability to take local files stored on your phone and use them to generate levels, though, or where you’d go to get a legit copy of the app anymore even if you have an apple product able to play it.

  • All gamepads that have it having a BAXY control scheme. That’s B right, A down, X left, Y up for the buttons on the right side of the gamepad. I can’t tell you how many times I have pressed the wrong buttons when playing certain games all because the 3rd party switch controller I have uses ABYX or because I don’t remember where the symbols are on a PlayStation controller. Dreamcast and original Xbox had their shit together with how they used BAXY for their controllers and to this day I may shit on Microsoft, but not on the BAXY control scheme on their gamepads.

  • If you connect it to the Internet then sure it can be easily harvested by large companies. Pretty sure you can host an offline AI in a device you have made sure the hardware isn’t gonna be phoning home and it’ll probably be fairly safe if you aren’t an idiot like me and actually know what you’re doing.

  • The way I thought of that, as someone with a special brain (autism) is that rather than just knowing things like experience and what they use/like/dislike/etcetera, it’s also good to know a breakdown of what groups of people are using Linux/answered the survey. At least there was an “I’d rather not say” kind of option in case you don’t wanna give up that information.