• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • I have been on Lemmy for awhile and this post has been the one to gain the most traction. Thank you, this helps even further. I scratched the surface of immutable and this further dissects it into deeper “categories”. My first thought is that, if I didn’t know about immutable distros in the first place (aside from the meaning of the term), I probably wouldn’t know what I’m missing or gaining.

    My uses for Linux will grow across 3 categories.

    1. Business and office work. Mainly spreadsheets, documents, presentations, and virtual meetings

    2. 3D Design, 3D Printing, bitmap and vector graphics editing, coding, and retro video game development

    3. Streaming via OBS, ATEM, webcam, HDMI capture, and various USB inputs and devices.

    I have tried building machines on non-tablets and have got 80% of the way there with all 3. The tablet has me 100% with 1 & 2. This all gives me a greater understanding that helps me avoid and research more into the options based on needs.

  • I hate that this post caused a fight here. I appreciate feedback and learning.

    If I’m taking something away from this exchange is that immutable distros are a thing I need to understand better. In a way you are both helping me see some other aspects I haven’t considered. If I were to go immutable there are some limits on what I can do, though there are some benefits in terms of security and app containerization. Based on some quick research immutable distros have been around but honestly I didn’t really know any details. On the other hand it sounds like Ubuntu pushes packages my way and I might want want to explore so other options.

    Thanks for the insights and I plan to do a lot more research on how I might proceed. I may have it working on one device, but adopting what is right for my workflow and needs is going to take some more effort. Best.

  • Ok this is getting to the question I had. I found a few YouTube videos that went into detail about updating the kernel. I was wondering what’s the purpose when it was working as well as it has. I’m going to try to do this and follow the guides. Initially I had to overcome a BitLocker issue and a bug where I couldn’t overwrite the partition. Once I finally got Ubuntu running I was ready to dive into making it touch compatible, but it was already there. I suspect this makes it even better

  • “This only makes sense. Ovens are a very big part of what makes food and designing and building the ovens costs a lot of work. They deserve some share of the food made in the oven. That food should ideally be proportional to how many edibles items are made by the chef, which should be proportional to the amount of times the food is baked. And this is only one of their plans. There are other plans as well. So maybe someone can explain to me why this is not just a sound business decision apart from: I don’t want to give away my baked food?”

  • Hey, I truly get where you’re coming from. I’ve been down similar paths where everything I knew and believed in seemed to crumble around me. And man, it hit hard. It’s like you’re built for a world, and then suddenly that world doesn’t seem to exist anymore.

    Back in my rough patch, it was hard to see any silver lining. Everything felt like it was taken from me, but over time, I began to see those moments differently. It wasn’t about what I’d lost, but rather about the new perspectives I was gaining and the resilience building up inside of me.

    One thing that helped me during those times was to stop looking so far into the future or dwelling on the past. Instead, I tried to focus on the present moment. It sounds cliché, but it grounded me. Made me notice the opportunities and little blessings right in front of me that I might’ve otherwise overlooked.

    And while I know it’s not easy, finding that internal anchor and focusing on the here and now might give you a new viewpoint. Sure, things are different, maybe even unrecognizable, but there’s something to be said about the lessons and strength we gain from facing adversity.

    Hang in there. Times like these reshape us, and while it’s a challenging process, you might find that on the other side, you’re stronger and more adaptable than you ever imagined.