• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Seems overly cautious, or lemmy.world is trying to find excuses to cut off content they don’t like. Legal trouble for allowing access to those communities, which aren’t even based on lemmy.world, would be so much of an overstep, they’d probably be able to get free legal counsel from the EFF or a similar organization.

    Anyways, this will be my last post on this server. Even though I don’t use any of those communities, I don’t want to have to constantly monitor what has been banned to see what I may miss out on.

    Apparently, lemmy.world also removed c/shrooms, which I didn’t even know about. And again, risk of legal trouble for that would be extremely low.

  • Pesticides are becoming less effective; pests are becoming resistant to them resulting in reduced yields across the world. Many conventional farms are now starting to use integrated pest management which involves biological pest control (which involves using and creating habitats for beneficial organisms to control pests).

    IDK, maybe civilization can figure out a way to survive during massive ecological collapses, but it would be hard, and we don’t have to.

  • 80085@lemmy.worldtoFuck Cars@lemmy.ml4chan gets it
    11 months ago

    Not many U.S. cities have a subway. I think the only substantial subway system is in NYC. The city I live in has a very short commuter rail line that doesn’t go to/from anywhere people want to go. Buses are gridlocked in traffic like everyone else, and have to make frequent stops, so it can take something like 2 hours to travel 10 miles. The low-wage workers I know without vehicles just spend $40/day on Uber to commute to work and back (which is a significant percentage of their pay).

  • Every species is a food, resource, predator, or competitor for resources for another species, so a decline of one species can have ripple effects on many other species. I guess one example is that parasitic wasps keep caterpillars and aphid populations in check (caterpillars and aphids can cause huge crop losses).

  • I don’t think DeSantis is charismatic or likable enough to beat Biden. His poll numbers go down as the public gets more exposure to him. He’s starting to shift his messaging from anti-woke to (neo-fascist) populist rhetoric, which may change things. IDK, there’s so many things that could happen between now and the election. I think Trump could beat DeSantis in the primary from prison. A major crisis like a recession would hand the election to the Reps. The Reps could intentionally cause a crisis, by forcing an extended government shutdown or something.

  • Rep voters =/= Rep politicians. I would say the ~27% of people that identify as Republican support fascist-like policies, even if they don’t think of them as fascist. The Rep party itself is definitely neo-fascist. They even use the same rhetoric as the Nazis and white nationalists (focusing on degeneracy, cultural marxism, great replacement theory, etc). Just this time, LBGT people and hispanic immigrants are the first scapegoats. The current 2nd favored Republican presidential candidate, behind Trump, is most definitely a neo-fascist by just looking at the policies he’s been implementing in Florida; not to mention his campaign sharing a video ad featuring DeSantis in the middle of a sonnegrad.

  • 80085@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world100, here I cum
    11 months ago

    Most people still work manual labor jobs. Cognitive ability also declines with age. Age discrimination during hiring/recruiting is fairly common (witnessed it at nearly every job I’ve ever had, even though it’s illegal, and I’ve had a lot of jobs). There aren’t enough “bullshit jobs” like Walmart greeter for everybody. Aging population can be solved by permissible immigration (which are comparably younger populations), but there are too many racists and politicians worried about demographic shifts.

  • The Supreme Court is heavily in favor of “states rights” now, so state politicians know they can cater to special interest groups (for donations of course) with impunity. States are heavily gerrymandered, so they have little risk of losing their position. In some cases, such as book, education, voting, and immigration laws, the goal is to further ensure the states remain Republican in the future (prevent children from growing up “woke,” and prevent immigrants from living there, which tend to vote Dem). Democracy in the U.S. is pretty broken, and is slowly being dismantled further.

  • IDK your personal experience, but it’s almost always the pay. Possibly you’re just matching the pay other companies offer, and the industry doesn’t pay much in the U.S. comparable to trades that require equal training, so there aren’t many workers that go into that trade. Or, the labor market is extremely tight for that trade.

    I was in a similar circumstance, and was able to find quality candidates by raising what we were offering considerably (+30-50% above regional average, according to sites like glassdoor). We were able to attract very good employees away from their previous employers this way. But, these were more “professional” jobs, and sounds like you’re looking for “lower-skilled” technicians, which may have different subtleties. Another option is apprenticeship-like arrangements (on-the-job training + paying for technical school), depending on the industry/trade.

    If people don’t care to have work ethic, show up on time, etc, it’s usually because they feel like they’re being shafted, and have horrible, non-inspiring management, so they feel they owe the company nothing. If people feel like they’re working for a company, instead of with a company that’s helping them “self-actualize” or whatever, you get the “companies pay just enough so their workers don’t quit, employees work just hard enough to not get fired,” attitude.

  • Most leftists in the U.S. are democratic socialists, social democrats, are some flavor of anarchists; not authoritarian socialists… Most do not think violence is necessary, except for protection against the increasingly fascist right-wing. Many believe it’s possible to move closer to a socialist-like society by building mutual-aid networks and communities, and promoting candidates for government positions that align with their values; not through a violent revolution.

    And yes, I would prefer systems closer to Scandinavian countries, which the right-wing here calls socialism. Ideally, I would like to see some kind of real socialism where the workers own the means of production (factories, stores, farms, etc) and controls it through democratic processes, not the investor-shareholders or the government. I think the term is anarcho-syndicalism, but I doubt that will happen in my lifetime.