• 5 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • It’s also trained on data people reasonably expected would be private (private github repos, Adobe creative cloud, etc). Even if it was just public data, it can still be dangerous. I.e. It could be possible to give an LLM a prompt like, “give me a list of climate activists, their addresses, and their employers” if it was trained on this data or was good at “browsing” on its own. That’s currently not possible due to the guardrails on most models, and I’m guessing they try to avoid training on personal data that’s public, but a government agency could make an LLM without these guardrails. That data could be public, but would take a person quite a bit of work to track down compared to the ease and efficiency of just asking an LLM.

  • A lot of industrial produced food is cheap because of child, forced, and otherwise exploited labor (undocumented workers, for example). Heavily mechanized farming (mostly used for grains) is cheap because of the vast amount of fossil fuel “energy slaves” used. And that’s only cheap because the costs are externalized.

    Anyways, growing your own food can definitely be cheaper than buying it. Of course, not if you start plants under lights, build raised beds and fill them with purchased soil, buy organic pelletized fertilizer, or stuff like that. It can be nearly free to grow your own food (if you don’t count the cost of your own labor) by saving seeds and intercepting materials from waste streams (wood chips, lawn clippings, manure, used coffee grounds, etc) to “feed your soil.”

  • Yeah, that’s my thinking as well. All these billionaires seem to be becoming doomsday preppers (Zuck, Altman, etc).

    After reading about “effective accelerationism,” which many of these people seem to subscribe to, I think they’re worried “technocapitalism” and AI will cause a collapse of society. I.e. they’re purposely funding and promoting projects they think will cause a societal collapse. It’s a really wierd cult-like ideology and worldview. I think they’ve fallen for their own grifts.

    But yeah, I’m personally more worried about the destruction of U.S. institutions (which Trump and Republicans publicly admit they plan to do), and the potential social unrest, federal-state conflict, and economic havoc it may cause.

  • 31337@sh.itjust.workstoMemes@lemmy.mlnot at all
    5 months ago

    Yeah, plenty of women are shit people and abusers as well. Sucks that it isn’t typically taken seriously by society.

    (I’m not one of those men’s-rights people. The reason abused men aren’t taken seriously is because of harmful gender expectations and toxic-masculinity).

  • 31337@sh.itjust.workstoRisa@startrek.websiteBait
    5 months ago

    TBH, I initially had a strange reaction to Discovery. It seemed to me like it was virtue-signalling and pandering to an audience to increase viewership or profit. Similar to how you sometimes see fake stock-photos of a business where they contains exactly one person from every ethnicity. I think the word I’m thinking of is “tokenism.” I still watched it for a couple seasons, and it was decent. I didn’t really realize at the time how prevalent and dangerous bigotry still was in the U.S… Now I think it’s probably good some shows and movies over-represent minorities.

  • Hmm, I suspect the pro-Russian Christian people you’re seeing online are extremely-online people with mental issues, or are a part of Russia’s disinfo campaigns, or both. Most of my family are evangelical Christians, and are not pro-Russia (but, are pretty crazy about other things). Many of my friends and associates are either Protestant or Catholic, and are not pro-Russia. I’ve never seen what you talk about online (I don’t use Xitter, or TikTok), but have heard about some extremely far-right “Catholics” switching to “orthodox,” and still, those people are an extremely-online, extremely small group of people, AFAIK.

    IDK WTF you’re talking about with the prison rape shit, but it sounds very conspiratorial and homophobic. I could be ignorant, because I’m not too familiar with Russia’s domestic history, but what you are saying sounds pretty outlandish. However, I agree that religion is often used as a tool of control by the state. I.e. “religion is the opium of the masses.”

    Being against lethal aid to Ukraine could be about austerity, isolationist, or pacifist principles, but the politicians blocking the aid have no principles, and often advocate for violence elsewhere.