One of these has definitely hauled more than the other, and i guarantee you it’s not the ford.

    1 year ago

    It’s been proven that big trucks cause more accidents and pollute more heavily and cause city architecture problems because of parking and street size requirements

    Is that also true of buses? Garbage trucks? How about Limo’s? 18 wheel trucks? Those vehicles are all larger than my truck but you seem to be fixed on trucks only. What an odd flex.

    I’ve watched that YT video and it’s junk science. Of course you believe it because it does support your opinion so you’ve succumbed to confirmation bias. Congrats.

    Equating drinking too much water and dying to literally contributing to killing others or making their lives worse is the most stupid comparison I’ve ever heard. One hurts yourself, the other hurts other people.

    It’s only stupid if it doesn’t align with your ‘fuck trucks’ ideology. The fact that you think dying from too much water only hurts yourself, is pretty ignorant. But that seems to be your thing.

        1 year ago

        I love how your reply is nothing but ‘more angry’. You need to chill my dude.

        So Limo’s are dumb, unless driving a dozen people. What about a one-way trip? Buses, depending on the time could be empty, or mostly empty. Is it stupid to have a bus with just 1 person (other than the driver)?

        Trucks use more fuel than some cars, but not all so again, it’s not a black/white issue like you’re making it out to be.

        If someone dies from drinking too much water, I’m guessing their entire family will be hurt.

        You causing a homeless person to be without housing because you need to park that giant, useless thing.

        ROFL. This is hilarious. You think less trucks = less parking spaces = more housing for homeless? Someone is naive as fuck.

        You are so angry to be telling me to use my brain. Why are you so angry? Try growing up kid.

            1 year ago

            So we’ve already found out what your go to defense is when you can’t actually have a debate about these topics

            Says the guy who engages in Ad Hominem because he lacks communication skills. Then gets mad when exposed for being mad with nothing else but a YT video for a source.

            If you weren’t so angry, you’d see that this is actually funny and I’ve been laughing this entire time so I do find it extra comical for you to say something that boils down to ‘No I’m not, you are’.

            But go on and tell the world what vehicles they should use.