They don’t have a brain really and kinda just float there. Do they even feel pain?

    1 year ago

    I’d say that’s a philosophical question.

    And worse even, I’d say this is something that changes with the culture of people.

    a while ago, gladiators killing & maiming each other for entertainment was considered fine.
    Raping and Abducting during wartime was normal.

    Currently, I’d say the cultural moral compass has shifted enough, to consider these two examples rather bad behaviour.

    But as Tasty seems to have had a nice life and didn’t suffer, so had it better than most cows which end up in a similar fate, I’d say that currently this would not be considered “bad” behaviour by most people.

    Of course there is a viewpoint already out, that all killing of animals is equivalent, in other words equivalent to killing humans. From that point of view, what you did is rather horrific.
    Maybe, in some time, when something like lab-grown meat without any nervous system is commonplace, killing animals for food becomes as horrific as we consider killing other humans for food.
    Or, you know, it could also swing the other way, and an apocalypse makes Soylent from dead people completely normal food.

      1 year ago

      I’m an oft-invisible lurker, however, your comment is amazing and I appreciate it. Cheers!